Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Familiar

Sunday morning, Jonas Cane was accompanied by his parents in Coventry. The main district of Gotham City is located on the midtown island north and west of Robinson Park.

As for what they are doing in Coventry? Jonas has promised himself that he would indeed have a pet spider so he can bring it to school. Jonas has managed to convince his new parents to go to the pet shop.

But there was a new problem.

" No. "

With a stern expression on his face, Jonas's father said those words. Jonas then stared at his mother beside his father and she shook her head.

" I agree with your father, dear. "

" But, I promise that I would be careful. "

" No, we wouldn't let you buy a black widow spider as your pet. "

She then glared at the pet shop owner who was standing awkwardly while facing her annoyance.

" What were you thinking selling dangerous animals as pets? "

" ... Uh.. "

His mother glanced at Jonas again.

" How about a cat or a dog? "

" No, I am not interested in raising a cat or dog. "

Jonas shook his head and grimaced. He wanted to buy a spider so that he can spook his classmates and as a symbol of appreciation towards the Web Fear Goddess.

Showing a cat and dog to his classmates wouldn't result in any of them feeling scared of the cute pets.

After a while, Jonas decided to look at the other breed of Spiders available at the pet shop. All of the spiders that he pointed out are venomous. Eventually, the pet shop owner decided to intervene before Jonas and his parent's disagreement escalated further.

" ..How about a tarantula? "

Jonas's eyes glinted when he heard the shop owner and urged the shop owner to continue speaking under his parent's glare.

"... A Mexican-red knee tarantula spider is suitable to keep as a beginner pet when it comes to Spiders. They are docile and they are safe to keep as a pet if you don't have any allergic reactions. "

Jonas then decided to ask the shop owner.

" How many years can a Mexican red-knee spider live? "

" The female has a life expectancy of 20-30 years while the males can live for about 10 years. "

Jonas then stared at his parents. And keep staring at them for a few minutes without blinking or saying anything. At first, his parents are angry at Jonas but the more they stare at him the more they found their anger lessening. It was replaced both with exasperation and a growing uneasy feeling.

" Fine. "

His father sighed. Then he asked the pet shop owner.

" How much? And does the spider have any requirements? "

" A Mexican red knee tarantula spider is 100-120 dollars. And you can place the spider in a 5-10 gallon tank. "

[ Mexican red knee costs between 50-100$ ]

Jonas narrowed his eyes at the Pet Vendor then decided to just let him be. It wasn't like that his new parents are lacking in money and the extra dollars would be considered a payment for the trouble that they brought him.

" Jonas, make sure that you would properly take care of your spider. "

" Yes, mom. ...Ah, can I have a female Mexican red knee? "

The shop owner then guided them toward one of the spider tanks.

" This a 1-year Mexican red knee tarantula spider. How about it kid? "

A wide smile was revealed on Jonas's face.

" It's perfect. "

" Uh. If you say so. "

The pet shop owner involuntarily backed away from Jonas a little.

' Rich kids are weird... and creepy. '

Jonas's parents find Jonas's smile a little bit odd but they feel happy that their son is smiling widely.

" What would you name the little dear, Jonas? "

His mother asked Jonas. The latter mused for a bit and shrugged.

" I would think of a good one later at home and search the library for a good inspiration. "

Since his pet spider was in consideration of the Web Fear Goddess, Jonas doesn't want an ordinary name for his pet spider.

Later, as they left the pet shop, Jonas didn't return to the Cane Manor with just a pet spider. He also brought a snowy owl with him which he named Hamish after some assistant of a detective that he can vaguely recall regarding his past life.

Keeping the snowy owl as a pet wasn't Jonas's decision but his parents have taken an interest in the owl. His father told him that he used to have a pet owl when he was a kid which his parents bought for him and named Annabelle after the Cane Family's ancestor.

It was interesting to learn that the Cane family used to have a matriarch-only head before it became an equal opportunity for both female and male descendants to become Family heads.

After keeping up with the appearances during lunch, Jonas then headed towards the library and decided to use the computer. Minutes later, Jonas finally decided on the name of his pet spider after searching the internet for a good name.

" Her name would be Uttu. After a Mesopotamian Goddess which was known for her weaving. "

After Jonas said those words, he then heard the Web Fear Goddess.

[ The Web is pleased with your dedication and offers. ]

He then heard the Archive System.

[ As a reward for your dedication, the Web decided to give you a nice little gift. ]

[ You have been given a tape recorder ]

[ Tape Recorder → An object aligned with the web that contains anomalous properties.

→ Functions to record the statements of the Archivist's clients.

→ An inventory of fear

→ Can appear and disappear at the Web's and Archivist's behest.

→ Would appear at any significant event that the Web considers as important ]

Jonas was surprised that the Web have given him a gift. He thought that he should have the web with his patron first before he can access her blessings but it seems not. She can do anything she wanted.

He then stared at the tape recorder and noted its web patterns. He can feel himself smiling in amusement.

Instead of leaving the library after deciding on his spider pet's name, Jonas decided to stay. He then browses the internet for different information about Metahumans and the Heroes of this world.

Compared to the other super-powered beings and aliens that exist, he seems pretty tame in comparison. It was a humbling thing to learn.

After searching the metahumans and the different heroes that exist around the world, he then searched for information about his parents.

Aside from his kidnapping and recovery, any news didn't mention him suffering from any injury. His parents have convinced the Police to keep the information under wraps and any information about him being a metahuman and even his amnesia.

Jonas was satisfied with their decision. Afterwards, he then decided to play games on the computer.

He then left the library looking forward to studying at Gotham Academy starting tomorrow.

He can't wait to show his pet towards his fellow classmates.

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