Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: The Nature of an Eye

      Eventually, Jonas Cane's mother arrived at the Principal's office. There was a lot of argument after that between Luke Avery's mother and Rosalie Hampton's father's side. On the other hand, Damian's guardian Mr. Grayson was placating and amiable enough to understand both sides of the different parents. Jonas then learned that Mr. Richard Grayson is the first adopted child of Mr. Bruce Wayne. Jonas wondered why Bruce Wayne isn't the one who accompanied Damian here in the principal office. Is he busy with the company?

[ Tim Drake Wayne is currently the Temporary CEO of Wayne Enterprise ]

How strange. But maybe he has just other matters to take care of. Jonas decided to tone down his curiosity for all of the new barrage of information that the Eye had given him. He needs to focus on things one at a time. And make the more important ones his priority.

Meanwhile, he decided to not search for the identity of Damian Wayne's mother and wonders about Damian Wayne being a little killer. Is Damian's father aware of this? Is Mr. Richard Grayson aware of this? Are they, killers too?

Since becoming an Eye Avatar, it was hard to tone down his curiosity about a lot of things. His instinct was telling him to just keep watching, observing, learning, and knowing a lot of matters.

An essence of an eye is to observe and learn. It was within its nature to be passive. And most of all to be a clinical and apathetic observer.

Jonas watched as the parent's and guardians' arguments become more heated. Mr. Richard Grayson's nonconfrontational and calm attitude fell when Luke mother's insulted Mr. Bruce Wayne. His calm mother who has a neutral attitude earlier was now angry when Mr. Hampton implied that Jonas was a psychopath. Then he dared to demand a lot of money from his mother as compensation.

The Principal was trying hard to have all of the sides calm down but he was also tired of their stubborn attitudes. Jonas would have kept watching the situation if he didn't notice both Luke's and Rosalie's behavior.

Rosalie was now crying again. Unlike earlier when she express herself loudly, this time she was trying to keep her cry to herself. She was crying and sniffling silently. Wiping the tears in her eyes.

Luke has his head down as he clenched his fist. It was shaking.

[ You have collected an Eye Fear ]

[ You have collected a Lonely Fear ]

[ You have collected a Lonely Fear ]

[ You have collected a corruption Fear ]

[ You have collected a Lonely Fear... ]

[ You have collected a Buried Fear ]

[ You have collected a Dark Fear ]

[ You have collected a Lonely Fear ]

[ Luke Avery was afraid that he would be locked up again in the punishment box because he was a bad boy again. He wondered if his mother would tell the servants to withhold food again from him later ]

[ Rosalie Hampton is a disappointment to his father. She has troubled him again. Rosalie Hampton felt guilty for burdening her father. At the same time, she was also afraid that her father would be drunk again and the pain that comes from his violent outburst. ]

[ You have collected a Lonely Fear ]

[ You have collected a Lonely Fear ]

[ You have collected a Desolation Fear ]

Oh... Children are truly a good resource for fear. They are afraid of a lot of things. And Jonas discovered that Lonely is cold and bitter, Corruption is acidic, Dark is plain yet a little salty, and Buried is salty-sweet.

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