Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Double life

        Within Wayne Manor's Library, and on the floor was a group of prepubescent children on the floor. Their faces and clothes are messed with paint and glue.

" Ewww... My Uniform. "

Luke complained as he tried to get the paint off his clothes. It only resulted in dirtying his already messy hand. He groaned in frustration. Then his hazel eyes stared at Jonas who was the dirtiest and messed up in their group. It wasn't just color painting and glue that was sticking to his body and clothes, but ink glitters, etc.

" We should have brought extra clothes. "

Bethany muttered wincing while she undid her two pigtails braid hairstyle in an attempt to remove the bits on her hair. Rosalie smiled as she also tried to save her ginger and smooth hair that was attacked by ink and glue.

" At least, we are already finished with our Science Project. We would be able to pass it tomorrow and a few days early than the agreed time of passing our Science Project. "

Rosalie smiled slightly while staring at their finished Science Project. It was a model of the Solar System. Rosalie then notices Damian who only has a slight mess on his clothes and hair frowning.

" Is something wrong Damian? "

" Tt. We could have afforded better materials.  "

Rosalie bit her lips when she heard Damian's statement. Her hands clenched into the hem of her Gotham Elementary uniform skirt.

If she wasn't wrong, there was an unsaid accusation in his tone. She lowered her head and stared at the floor.

It was agreed that they would use cheap, affordable, and recyclable materials. She was the one who suggested it in opposition to Damian suggestion they use technology and advanced equipment for their Science Project. When they have a meeting a few days ago, was one of the few ones Damian expressed his opinion. It was rare for Damian at all to express his opinion toward them and engage in conversation.

Just last week, Damian Wayne had been enrolled in Gotham Elementary. He became the hottest topic last week. As a Wayne, it was an unavoidable fate for every student to scrutinize, judge, and observe him. The Wayne family is the most influential in Gotham. Despite Damian's father being a playboy, most people still have him in high regard and pedestal because of the various charities, donations, and scholarships that the man has done.

Through, Bruce Wayne had been not seen in public for one month, and Tim Drake Wayne is currently in the position of being the CEO of Wayne Enterprise.

Rosalie was both sympathetic and afraid of her classmate Damian. Sympathetic because it must be hard for him to adjust to a new environment knowing that he came from different culture and was dropped by his mother on his father's doorstep. She was afraid because, unlike Cane and Avery, her family is just middle class. Lately, she even wondered if it was appropriate to call even call it middle class considering what her father has been doing lately.

Lowering her head, Rosalie replied to Damian's accusation.

" I'm sorry. "

Hearing the unnecessary apology, Damian glanced at Rosalie before it was replaced by an annoyed expression.

The relaxed atmosphere earlier became tense after Damian's offensive statement and Rosalie's unnecessary apology. Luke Avery was now glaring at Damian again and Bethany was sending a disapproving gaze toward Damian.

As for Jonas, he can feel a headache forming. He can't fully understand his classmate's behavior. But Damian was a lone wolf with a mouth that would offend everyone with his 'I am different from everyone and have no desire to get along and communicate' attitude. Meanwhile, Jonas's other classmate belongs to the category of easily offended children or very sensitive children like Rosalie.

He hoped that there wouldn't be another fight. He doesn't want to intervene even if it was accidental. Jonas can't afford another week of detention.

Thankfully, before the tense atmosphere could escalate into an incoming fight and argument, the door to the library opened and the old butler entered carrying refreshments and desserts with him.

Food saves the day in the end.

The old butler's snacks and dessert were very delicious compared to the dishes cooked by the servants of the Cane Manor and the food in Gotham Elementary. It was a hundred times better in Jonas's opinion.

Unfortunately, despite how delicious the snacks and desserts that the old butler provided, they lost their appeal when the food wasn't able to satiate Jonas's appetite.

After the delicious snack and cleaning themselves, Bethany, Rosalie, Luke, and he left Wayne Manor. Bethany then would bring their Science Project to school tomorrow. Jonas then waved goodbye to each of his normal classmates before getting into the Cane Family car and being escorted home to the Cane Manor by their servants.

Around 5 p.m., Jonas arrives at the Cane manor. Earlier, his parents told Jonas that they would arrive late around 9:00 to 11:00 in the evening.

The Eye Fear God informed him that it wasn't always the case. Around 6:00 or 7:00, his parents would always arrive. But the recent disasters and troubles in Gotham had made Jonas's parents busy.

His parents were sad when they informed him that they wouldn't be able to frequently eat dinner together. Despite them being guilty, Jonas can only be thankful for that information.

It makes things for Jonas easier to sneak out into the Cane Manor when his parents wouldn't there to eat dinner with him. As for the servants, they would only approach Jonas and brought the dinner to his room. But before they even do that, they would knock on the door and reluctantly inform their presence.

This afternoon, Jonas informed the servants that he was feeling quite full since he have eaten a lot of food in Wayne Manor.

It was a lie.

He has only taste desserts and snacks before refusing to eat more.

But the servants don't know that information and merely accepted Jonas' statement and left him in his room.

After Jonas was left on his own, Jonas once again sneaks out into the Cane Manor as the henchman marionette in the form of Theodore Morrison, the broke Senior High School Student working for the Iceberg Lounge.

Meanwhile, under Wayne Manor, a certain son of an assassin was observing the profile and information gathered regarding Jonas Cane on a very advanced computer. He frowned when he added another piece of information from what he observed to the list since he started recording information about Jonas Cane since the spider chaos incident in Gotham Elementary.

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