Chapter 43

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AN: Ughhh... I am just a plain idiot or i am just a kitchen disaster?

Yesterday, I fucking injured myself with our little knife because I need to open the can since we don't have a can opener.

Now, I have a little wound cut between my thumb and forefinger.

This is my 5th kitchen mishap in my whole life and I was banned from the kitchen by my little sister again. Then my little brother didn't even sympathize with me and was just being cruel to my unfortunate accident.

He even laughed.

Fucking sadist.

He was a shitty little brother. The little cruel shit. You don't see me laughing when his stupidity during COVID-19 days ended with him in the Hospital.

Anyway.. it was fucking painful typing with my little wound cut and I'm fucking left-handed.

Other than that, Lately, I have been having second thoughts about rewriting one of my stories which was labeled as hiatus.

I want to rewrite the whole thing.

It's my LOTM fanfic. Instead of just having the mc be of the reader pathway why don't I just make a self-made pathway for him and make the fanfic events during Roselle's Era until it eventually became to Mr. Fool's era?

The recent LOTM donghua trailer and the circle of inevitability (LOTM 2) inspire me again.

Chapter 43: The Iceberg Lounge Incident (Part 4)

Poison Ivy, Riddler, Mad Hatter, Bane, White Rabbit, Killer Croc, Clayface, Hugo Strange, Firefly, the head of the Falcone family, the other mafia heads of Gotham City, Bone, and Jane Doe.

An impressive set of Gotham Criminals has arrived at Iceberg Longue on this night.

Crazy Quilt, Polka Dot Man, Baby Face, Killer Moth, Kite Man, Rat Catcher, Egghead, and Condiment King - This circle of Gotham Criminals are known by the people of Gotham and their fellow criminals as the 'Joke Villains'.

Even their kind are invited by Penguin to the party. Aside from the villains themselves, there were also the henchmen who attended the Iceberg Lounge.

Unfortunately, some villains didn't accept the invitation or weren't invited.

For those who didn't attend the celebration... There were those whom Penguin wouldn't be able to reach.

Joker was currently missing, his current whereabouts are unknown.

For Black Mask, Cat Woman has killed him.

As for the villains who refuse, Harley Quinn rejects the invitation because her hubby won't attend the party and she and Poison Ivy have a recent disagreement.

The puppet Scarface was currently busy developing his new ventriloquist.

Dr. Freeze refused to leave his frozen wife in prison.

Hush doesn't want to get out of his imprisonment at the Wayne Tower while wearing the face of his childhood friend Bruce Wayne. According to him, he wanted to play mind games with the newest little hatchling of Batman.

Scarecrow refuses to be freed from the Arkham Asylum. Since his recent capture, according to some of the villains who have broken out of the Asylum, he was acting odd.

According to them sometimes, he was silent and oddly peaceful. Then there were times when he would start screaming in fear and cry. And the rarest times are when he would have a crazed look on his face and he would express his desire to see the new vigilante Archivist. He would then start laughing and end up kneeling on the ground and muttering incomprehensible words.

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