Chapter 47

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AN: Here's an update. Some of the contents of this chapter are spoilers from Mag 197. So if you don't want to read it skip the italics part.

Chapter 47: Memories of the Web

When Jonas completed his Institute of Fear mission from the Archivist System, he became an Avatar of the Web.

Along with being the avatar of the web and its abilities, came an unexpected information inserted inside his mind.

The information is a memory.

It is a memory of someone who was barely even a human. She was towering over two people. One of the people was a man with prematurely graying hair. His face and body posture give out a feeling of exhaustion. However, despite those his eyes that were glaring at the owner of the memory were full of intense passion anger, and intent to kill, along with wariness. The other person was a woman. A person whose name and surname came from a Persian and Arabic Origin.

The memory supplied to Jonas that it would be bad for the owner of the memory if these two people decided to kill the owner of the memory.

The reason for that was the kidnapping of their friend who was currently being muffled and trapped in spider webs. The web was above a pit or void that seemed to be endless.

Jonas was provided by the Eye that the memory given to him was incomplete. The incomplete memory started with these words.

" As you wish. The great fears, do you believe they think the way we do? "

The owner of the memory currently looks like a female arachnoid asked.

" They don’t “think” at all. They just are. "

The man who would decide her fate replied. The owner of the memories is glad that the man was entertaining her thoughts.

" Almost true. In truth, it depends on the Fear. Some exist in an eternal moment, some make use of memory to reflect and corrupt, but for most, time is simply another thing for them to play with. To consider the future, to plan, is not something they’re capable of. "

" But not The Web? "

" No. Not the Mother-of-Puppets, the Spinner-of-Schemes. "

While the man and the owner of the memory talk, the woman who was with the man interrupts.

" Hang on. What about the rituals? Those were plans. "

The man replied to the woman.

" No. They were… desires, filtered and interpreted by people, and the thinking creatures that they spawned. "

The owner of the memory is amused by the man.

" You are well-informed, aren’t you? Exactly this. They hungered for the world, to step from the shadows, and gorge themselves on all humanity. "

" And they have. "

" But only two of them could truly conceive of such. Terminus, The End, knows that in such a world they will ultimately consume themselves. And it desires that finality. "

" And The Web understands it as well. That eventually a successful ritual would doom them all. Leave them trapped and starving in a used-up world with no one to feed on. "

The woman looks at the owner of the memory and the man is surprised. She was disturbed by the information that she learned.

" Hang on, what? This is news to me. "

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