5. Staying with Who?

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(General POV)

To no surprise, facial recognition couldn't pick up any similar faces in the Washington Police Department database. In other words, Alan was basically unregistered as a citizen of the United States of America.

His background, his history, where he came and how he ended up all the way in Forks were all a mystery.

And the only person who could answer this mystery seemed to have amnesia.

The only thing the boy remembered was his name. He didn't even know how old he was. The doctors could only make an assumption based on his bone structure.

They guessed his age to be near twelve.

Outside the hospital room, Charlie looked at the sleeping boy with complicated emotions.

He failed to notice Carlisle coming up behind him until the latter spoke.

"So...what's the plan for the kid? Foster care?"

Flinching, Charlie suppressed his surprise and replied stiffly, "That's the idea. However, given his unknown background, it's unlikely any home would be willing to take him in. In addition, he's a kid who'll soon be entering the worst childhood phase - puberty."

Carlisle nodded with a soft hum.

Glancing at his patient, a small smile emerged on the handsome man's face.

"Why don't you take him in then, Chief?" Carlisle suggested with a raised eyebrow.

Charlie almost choked on his saliva. In disbelief, he pointed at himself, "Me? You've got to be kidding Doc. I don't know how to take care of a twelve-year-old kid."

"Don't you have a twelve-year-old daughter?" retorted the doctor. "You are the only one with the means to be able to do it. Forks is a small city Chief. There aren't many options unless you send him to a bigger city."

'I know that...' Charlie wanted to say.

Frowning to himself, Charlie gave a last glance at the sleeping boy before walking away. His face became blank and it was unknown what he was thinking.

Carlisle watched his retreating back thoughtfully and sent a single pleased glance at Alan before turning the other way and heading over to the stairs.

After the two men left, Alan opened his eyes and looked at the door.


(First Person POV)

Overhearing the conversation outside my hospital room, several scenarios were formed in my mind. Would I be in foster care? Or would I be sent out of this city?

I brushed off the idea of Charlie Swan taking me under his care. Given his personality, it was unlikely he'd do that.

And I was mistaken.


"So that's it kid. You'll be staying with from now on until we can find a suitable place for you."

As he spoke, Chief Swan ran a hand through his hair exhibiting awkwardness as he carefully gauged my reaction. I'm not really sure what kind of reaction he was expecting but all he received was a calm; "Oh."

Indeed, I was taken aback but after I thought about it, I didn't really mind staying with him.

He didn't seem like the nosy type of person always wanting to get up in everybody's business. Unless it was part of the job of course.

"Then, after you're discharged, I'll take you to buy some clothes and then I'll take you home."

"Thanks, Mr. Swan," I said.

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