The First Cuddle

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I was just getting back home from visiting the campus gym when I saw my dorm mate laying on his bed covered up with his phone in his left hand.  I knew what was happening but pretended not to for the sake of his dignity.  I looked away and threw my gym bag into my closet making my presence known.  My name is Andre. My roommate, who's now shuffling around trying to get himself and his bed cleaned up a bit, is named Jacob.  I didn't even care though, I was just so tired from the workout and it was getting late.  I pulled down my gym shorts and threw them into the hamper next to the door that Jacob so kindly has taken responsibility for.  I took my shirt off as well, noticing out of the corner of my eye that he was watching.  I grabbed my blanket and layed down cuddling it slightly.  Then I realized I forgot to turn the light out. 
"Hey, Jacob, can you turn the light out when you get the chance."
"Uh, y yeah, sure bro."
I could hear the nervousness in his voice.  I kinda towered over him in many ways.  I was much more built than he was considering he doesn't really have time to put a lot of effort into working out.  It simply just isn't his thing.  As a result, he has a little bit of a belly but mostly thin.  He's also about 10 inches smaller than me, him being five foot seven inches.  He sometimes would show timid behavior around me when we first met, but even now he still acts slightly cold.  I know he sometimes gets teased by the other guys around campus, but I've never messed with him like that.
As he got up and turned the light off, the LED lights that we have in our room above the window gave a slight purple glow.
"Hey Jacob?"
He stopped for a second.
"Yeah man?"
"Are you going to bed right now?"
"Uh y yeah I was gonna."
"Will you let me cuddle you?"
I looked over at him when I asked and he just stood there kind of shocked.
"Um, y you don't have to."
"YES! I uh, I mean y yeah sure bro."
I chuckled a bit and moved slightly over so he could lay down with me.  Because he was smaller, I was obviously the big spoon.  He layed down in front of me laying his head on a shared pillow between the two of us.  His brown short hair was really cute and I couldn't help but play with it by running my hand through it.  I could tell that he was loosening up a lot more.  I was happy he was getting less tense.  I yawned and then he yawned.  He eventually closed his eyes as I was playing with his hair.  I then moved my arm to hug and cuddle him into me like he was a big teddy bear.  It was so nice feeling his soft hoodie against my skin.  His hand held mine and then he turned to face me and hugged me back for the remainder of the night.  He started to snore softly and it was the cutest thing ever.  I kept playing with his hair till I fell asleep as well with him holding tightly onto my bare skin, and his head pressed up against my slightly fuzzy chest.

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