The Thugs

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Jacob was the first to wake up, I know this because I felt him shuffling around trying to get out of our hug and also trying to hide the fact he was embarrassed. He slid off the bed and got changed in front of me not realizing I was awake yet.
"Hey nice ass" I said jokingly after he took his pants off.

"D dont look!"
"Haha, my bad man"
I turned around a giggled a bit and heard him sigh with relief.

"Okay, you can look now haha"
I turned back around and saw him in a new grey hoodie and in some skinny jeans.

I then got up and remembered I was wearing nothing but my black boxer briefs.
"Whoops, sorry I'll put some clothes on"

Jacob just nodded and covered his eyes like a little kid.
I got dressed up in some black slacks and a low buttoned black collared shirt.
"You can look now" I slightly mocked him and smiled.

He chuckled and opened his eyes. "Dang you look good, whats the occasion"

"I was planning on doing a mall trip today, whats your occasion?"
We both normally don't have classes today so I was pretty sure he wasn't planning anything. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but Jacob rarely goes out. Most days he just lays in bed jacking it till I get back home. Its a little bit sad but its his life so, no judgment.

"Oh uh, well I actually was going to go for a walk to the park to meet up with someone."

I wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah uh, I should probably head out, I'll see you when you get home probably heheh"
He looked kinda nervous, and also really excited.

"Okay man, have fun okay, and don't do anything I wouldn't do, actually scratch that, dont do anything stupid."

He chuckled and grabbed his backpack and left to the park.

I honestly had no idea he was gonna be out of the house today and so, I hope he doesn't mind, I cleaned up his side of the room before heading out.

I was honestly kinda lonely the whole time, I forgot to ask any of my friends if they could come, so when I tried to ask around it seemed like everyone was busy with either work, class, or their own plans going on. After about an hour I started to just feel embarrassed walking around a mall all by myself and not buying anything, so I just got a corn dog at the food court and went home.

When I got back home I didn't see Jacob since I came home kinda early.

I just sat in my bed and started scrolling through my phone, incredibly bored. I also kept looking over at his side of the room and at the little suitcase he kept under his bed. My mind just started wandering and then all of a sudden my sleep caught up with me and I passed out on my bed. My phone was also left off the charger so it ended up dying as I slept.

I started to have a really weird dream that I was swimming through the school fountain but like, nobody saw me? It was really weird and it was cut short by the door of the dorm being opened.

"Dude what the fuck!"

I looked up at a beaten up and somewhat tied up Jacob. His hoodie and shirt were missing and someone had written "loser" on his belly. It looks like someone even pink bellied him, ouch.

"Oh my god"
I also noticed his hands were tied together with zip ties, and his underwear was sticking out of his jeans. Jesus, they really went all out this time.

"Help me!" He said starting to cry.

"J just get inside" I told him as I pulled him inside and closed the door, locking it behind us.

"What happened to you?"

He just stared at me, red in the face, and pure hate in his eyes.

"Wasnt it your plan? Your the one who told them to do this didn't you!"
He started to yell at me and started blaming me for whatever happened to him. I just stayed quiet not knowing how to respond.
"You thought it would be fucking funny didn't you!"

I held his face and started to shed a tear. "I would never do something like this to you Jacob."

He just looked so ashamed and put his head on my chest and started to cry.
I pet his hair and noticed there was a slur written above his hips in pink sharpie. I was so mad, whoever did this to him was going to get it.

"Let me help you okay"
I said before pulling away to look for some scissors. I grabbed some out of my pencil case and started to cut open his restraints. Imeadiatly after he wrapped his arms around me and started muttering an apology.

"Shhh, you dont have to say anything, its okay, your okay now, I'm here, they can't hurt you alright."
As I said this I slid my hands down his pants to fix his boxers for him while he cried into my shirt. After about 3 minutes I hear banging on the door. Jacob went silent and covered his mouth and nearly stopped breathing.

I put him down on his bed and opened the door to the thugs that did this to him. There were two boys and they looked around our age, but a little bit smaller than me. One was holding duct tape, and the other was holding the sharpies. When I opened the door they seemed to recognize me, but I didn't recognize them.

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