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"Why didn't you answer my messages and calls?" Asked a crying Jacob.

I looked around and realized my phone fell under my bed and was completely dead.
"Uh, I was asleep and my phone died"

"So you weren't ignoring me, thats good to know." Jacob sat up making room for me to sit next to him.  He kept my blanket covering him because he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Do you want one of my hoodies to replace the one you lost?"

He just looked up at me and nodded his head yes.

I got up and looked in my closed but all of them were used and haven't been washed yet.  I dont think he would mind though.  I grabbed a plain black hoodie and handed it to him.  It was a bit big on him but he looked a lot more comfortable in it.  He even smiled a little bit after putting it on.

I put my arm around his shoulder and started to masage his shoulder to make him feel better.

"I'm so, so sorry I couldn't be there for you."

"Just be quiet please" he looked up at me basically begging me, so I shut my mouth and let him sit in the quiet.

I looked down at his feet and realized he was just wearing socks cause he was wiggling his toes and fighting with his dirty socks.  They took his fucking shoes too.

I took a deep breath and so did he.

"Thankyou for taking care of me, and I'm sorry for acusing you.  Okay now its your turn."
Jacob sighed and looked up to me after finishing.

"Um I, im sorry that happened to you, and I think, I think I want to kiss your sad beautiful face."
I accidentally let that slip.  I don't know why I even said that, I've never felt this before but, he didn't seem agaisnt it.

"I . . . I think I should try to wash myself off and get a ice pack"

"R right, you do that, ill wait outside the showers for you okay?"

He smiled, "that would be nice, thankyou."

I smiled.

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