★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ]彡★

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Sakura breathed out an exhausted sigh while looking at the book in her hand with a grim face. 

The book didn't have any title , just a huge symbol on the cover.

The Haruno clan's symbol..

while the Haruno clan aren't very well know, it has it's own share of secrets.

Sakura quickly turned the pages and stopped when she found the page she was looking for, she stared at the picture on the top left corner of the page with a small frown on her lips.

'------  Haruno, originally know as ------ Kokoro, belonged to the Kokoro clan of the village Iwagakure. 

She ran away and hid her identity until she had found ------ Haruno who married her and welcomed her into his clan.

There is no real explanation as to why she ran away, but the Kokoro clan were known for their dōjutsu kekkei genkai, 

Mind control.

No one has seen their kekkei genkai in action since the clan is more like a small family who keep to themselves.

Rumors have it that members of this clan (who are not more than 6 to 8 people.. as said this clan was just a small family)  are a mix of the two well known Hyūga clan and Yamanaka clan because of the similarities in their kekkei genkai.'

Sakura wore a bitter expression,



Sakura had feared that this day would come, 

she didn't expect it to be this soon. 

The moment Sayuri had told her about hearing random voices, Sakura knew.. but she desperately wished she didn't.

Every single day she dreaded that one of her daughter would inherit the power that she knew would chew out their happy childhood. 

She didn't want that, 

she remembered as if it was tomorrow,

she remembered laying down on the floor, nearly pulling her hair out from the unbearable never ending pain through out her head, as if her brain is being slowly torn down. Her ears ringing, her nose bleeding and her vision blurry. 

She tried to scream, she couldn't. 

She couldn't move.

At that time she was barely seven, but those where the perks of having the blood of Kokoro clan in your veins. 

The kokoro clan was definitely not as powerless as people made it seem, Sakura's grandmother had told her a few things.. 

The members of the Kokoro clan had chose to stay low.

Their kekkei genkai was no joke, it was as if it was testing to see if you were worthy of having the power. 

Sakura and her father had shared the same experience at the age of seven, but they didn't inherit the powers of the clan. 

Her grandmother had never went in details about the dōjutsu, she would brush them off telling how there is no way they'd inherit them before she died due to old age, so now it left the Haruno's with no knowledge about this curse of a power that keeps causing pain to the children of their family before rejecting them.

Fortunately Sarada didn't experience any such pain when she was 7, just mild head aches for a couple days before they were gone. 

So, Sakura was relieved.. thinking that the Kokoro blood had finally gone out of the Haruno clan for good. 

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