★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ]彡★

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A tiny Uchiha laid still on her bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression, the room was completely silent, her sister had gone out somewhere and her mother is still probably at work.

Her father had left off about 3 weeks ago, she probably won't see him for a while.

It was kind of nerve racking for the little girl to watch her father leave, and return with minor to very major injuries.

The pessimistic part of her brain that only seem to grow more and more makes her wonder what would happen if one day he doesn't return at all.

If his injuries were so bad to the point where-


The little girl hurriedly shook her head to get rid of that dreadful thought, only then had she noticed her quivering hands, or the moisture under her eyes.

In her moment of panic she failed to notice the painful sting in her right eye, which almost felt like nothing to her.

She took a deep and steady breath, thinking about all the things that she loves and imaged herself to be surrounded around all of her loved ones, the little girl concentrated on the sound of the vehicles from outside her window, she could even hear people's voices probably from the near by market.

To divert her disturbed mind she tried to listen in on the voices of the people only being able to make out random words,

she faintly heard the voice of an women yelling out 'dinner' making her wonder what they would be having for dinner tonight, maybe her mama will make her favorites or they could go out for some ramen! That sure does does exciting!

The little girl smiled,

Atleast she has something to look forward to,


An innocent happiness filled her young heart as she looked forward to spend time with her family, they could maybe even watch some movie-

Her thoughts were cut off by the small 'bing' followed by the buzz of a vibration, she quickly got up to find her ipad buzzing with a notification.

Frowing at the sudden disturbance, she opened it to find that she'd received a voice message.

"Hey sweetheart! Mama's slightly busy with work, I probably won't be able to make it for dinner- Soo sorry honey! Wait for your sister or if you feel hungry you can have the strawberry cereals. Peanut butters in th-"

The rest of the audio was was unheard by the little girl as her eyes down casted, the noise of the vehicles and the evening sun accompanied her sad form, with hunched shoulders the little girl slowly typed her reply so her mother won't worry too much.

'Ok mama, take rest! Love you. <3'

She watched the three dots on the corner of the screen before another message popped out, her mother had replied,

'Thank you for being so understanding! Love you too, sweetie! <3'

It only made her even more upset to know that she really wasn't as understanding as she pretends to be,

It bothered her, the fact that she barely gets to spent time with her parents,

call her selfish but she was still very much young, it upset her the fact that she always comes home to an empty house.. exept for the couple lucky days her mom would be there to welcome her,

Her mom being the medic ninja would almost never receive holidays, because as she had explained a thousand times to an sulky Sayuri,

'Emergencies don't wait for an holiday to end.'

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