★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ᴏɴᴇ]彡★

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The teary eyes of a little boy moved around the room where he was held at, the room held nothing but a table and a pair of chair on both sides, a little left to the door was a large mirror which he suspected was see through from the other side.

He sat on a chair and pulled his kneees up to his chest..

 The room was dim litted by just a small bulb hanging from the ceiling, which made that room all more terrifying,

before him, on the table was a white round porceliain on which were a bunch of brown circles which had a kind of black pebble on top of it. 

(Its a plate of cookies alr.)

the kind lady had placed it there before offering him another warm smile as she left him all alone in this damned. 

But he had no idea what it was, he had never seen something like that in his entire life, he knew it was something edible because of its smell but, 

he didn't dare touch it even though he was bascally on the verge of starvation. 

who is to guarantee that those things aren't poisoned? plus he didn't even know what it was!

The little boy huffed before hugging his arms for warmth since the room felt like someone forgot to turn off their air conditioner for the past 3 days. 

His running thoughts were cut off when he heard the bone chilling creek of a door being opened very very slowly, followed by footsteps.

His heart beat against his chest as the footsteps got louder and louder, getting closer and closer.





His breath quickened and chest tightened as the door to the room started to swing open, he caught a glimps of blond hair before he jumped off the chair.

The little boy hurriedly grabbed the white porceliain thingy, making all of the brown circles to fall off but he couldn't care less. 

For all he knows this man is probably gonna torture the answers out of him, He was in an extremely chakra exhausted state, there was no way he'd be able to fight but he wasn't gonna back down that easily. 

(Ye like he has a chance against the damn hokage! DUMB KID AHSHWKHAHHA-.. ok i should stop bullying my own character now.) 

Naruto's eyes widened, as he stared at the big duo eyes of green stared right back at him with fear.

The Hokage awkwardly smiled while shaking his hand and said,

"Hey, hey.. easy alright? I won't hurt you don't worry." 

The boy wasn't having it, he held the plate higher at the blond hokage preparing to defend himself is the guy ever jump on him with a kunai or something. 

The blond guy sweatdropped before saying, 

"You might want to put the plate down now, little guy-.. We don't want you dropping it and getting hurt now do we?" 

But the little boy stared at the porceliain in his hand, dread began to pool in him as he missunderstood the hokage's words believing that he's threatening him to drop his only weapon or else he'll hurt him, 

The child was beyond scared, his eyes filled with tears as another man came in, this one had raven hair and looked like he's thinking about ways to murder him. 

Both the adults stared at the child in slight worry as his breath began to quicken even more, the little guy took huge gulps of air and suddenly yelled out a loud, 

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