★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪꜰᴛᴇᴇɴ]彡★

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A man with sky blue hair stared down at the near dead looking child in pity, he let out an exhausted sigh before getting to work. 

He carefully started to remove all of the wires attached to her arms and legs before sowly removing her oxygen mask,

as soon as he did, she started to breath heavily. Body trembling vulnerably as her already pale skin started to drain out of colour. 

Sighing in annoyance, he placed the mask back on her face while thinking of a way to kidnap her without accedentally killing her.

he'd been waiting for a while now, but this child's stupid mother just won't go away. 

or she's always being checked up on. but this particular day, all the other nurses seem to have gone for a break and the other doctors seem to be busy with an important surgery. 

He thought that Sakura would come rushing in but she seem to have left the village in a hurry, ordering her assistants to look after the little girl. 

The young man smirked at his luck, too bad for sakura her assistants have gone out for a break.. leaving the girl with no one for the next 20 minutes. 

But his only problem now is that this little girl is too weak, he must force her out of shi-yami or else she'll die watching her family getting murdered.

He didn't know how long this little girl had been in shi-yami for, but what he does know if that you have to survive 168 hours there in order to move onto the next stage.

He doubt a half blood could survive shi-yami, afterall his brother was a pure blood and still couldn't make it out of that hell. 

This little girl had probably only been there for 10 hours or so.. wow and her real body is already so weak? he cringed at the thought before shaking his head.

He huffed before looming his hands over her face, a pink glow emerged from his palm and fell on the girls forehead which had thick layers of bandages around it. 

soon he stopped and undid all of the bandages to find her bloody mess of a forehead, he used the bandage to vipe the rest of the blood.

As soon as he wiped the last bit of blood he gasped at what he saw,


There on sayuri's forhead was a mark carved on her skin, the carved wound that had been bleeding profusely for the past week making sayuri rapidly lose blood. 

But that wasn't what surprised him, 

Beside the carved flower on her forehead was another small carved symbol of yin-yang  that symbolizes that the individual has sucessfully survived the first stage. 

Now he would be damned if he can't bring this little girl to the kokoro clan's head.

He quickly healed her lungs enough for her to be able to breath for a while, he carefully redid the seal that was put on the doors and windows to prevent someone from entering, this could buy him some time until someone found out that sayuri's missing. 

He remembered his leaders words clearly, 

"Do not kill the child until you are out of the city (im sure that konoha is no longer a village). No one should see you, we'd be screwed if they saw a pure blood Kokoro roaming around."

"check the child's foerhead before killing it, i doubt it would happen.. but there is a chance that it might have reached Shiryō-Rei. If so, bring it to be, It might come of use to us."

a low chuckle left his lips as he looked at his leader with a smug smile,

"an half-blood reaching Shiryō-Rei?! now thats a good joke! Hiroki-ni would be rolling in his grave then!"

his laughter was cut when he received a harsh slap,

"Hiroaki! you fool! Don't make jokes about your dead twin and start thinking about the damn mission! If you mess up, the clan head will have OUR HEAD! you hear me?!" 

He pitied this poor child, for he knew that she'd go through something worse than shi-yami when she reached that hands of his leader.

He had sucessfully pissed of her father a few day ago, he might have to watch his back or it'd be Sasuke who'd have his head.

Hiroaki hid his face behind his cloak, trying to hide sayuri behind it as much as possible. 

whatever! he's fast anyways, no ones gonna be able to see him. 

he jumped out through the window, and ran across the street before climbing onto a roof. from there on he jumped from one roof to another so fast that only a flash of black and pink could be seen.

(black from his cloak and pink from sayuri's hair that was flying around.)

A few seconds on running he could already see the gate, he smirked at how easily he managed to sneak the little girl.

Just as he jumped from the last roof, about to hit the ground and start running toward the gate.

but then,

He froze.




He literally just froze. 

'what the hell- I can't move?!?!"

He moved his eyes forward only to find a man in his forities giving him a bored expression. 

"You're an idiot. You didn't even bother to suppress your chakra, you cocky idot."

Hiroaki scoffed, great how he has to deal with the one and only Shikamaru Nara, The hokage assistant was it?

"I warn you to put her down."

"if there was even so much as a scratch on her I'm pretty sure that most of the strongest ninja's of the leaf would be after you head."

The nara yawned before giving him a lazy smirk, 

"And i'm one of them."

Hiroaki couldn't waste anymore of his time.


He sighed, well atleast his face is still covered,

"Sorry man, I don't have time for this.. maybe next time."

Hiroaki closed his left eye and when he opened it was glowing a pale blue.

"realease me."

The nara could barely process what was happening, He unintentionally released the Kokoro from his shadow possession jutsu and both sayuri and the man were gone by the time he snapped out of it.

Shikamaru gritted his teeth before rushing off to let naruto, sasuke and sakura know about the situation and send a group of ANBU and Jonin to go after him. 

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