★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ]彡★

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(I'm kinda going on my own, cuz i didnt really watch boruto- i didnt even finish watching naruto shippuden cuz so many people spoiled it for me. so pls dont mind if i changed things up a bit.)

Sarada's Pov;

I hid behind a tree and watched as the lord Hokage talked with Shikadai's dad. 

ugh, are they just gonna stand here and chat all day?! get it moving already! 

I flinch as a voice cut through my thoughts. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting." 


"what going on? you seem more excited than I am." she said with a big grin on her face.

I tried to smile, and make things as casual as possible so she won't notice how tense I really am.

"Hey, chou-chou. wow, you brought a lot of stuff huh?"

she then grinned and proceeded to explain why she her bag looked so packed at that moment,

I pretended to listen but my mind was making up different scenarios of how all of this is going to end.

I noticed that the lord Hokage was on his way out of the city. 

But Shikadai's dad was still standing at the entrance..

God! How can I go out when he's just standing there!?

Thats when my eyes caught something.. or rather someone.


He was running full speed with a small bento bag in his hand.

I went near them as i saw boruto ask Shikadai's dad something but as i got close i heard some parts of what he said.

"He left? Welp, then I'll just get going then. I told my mom that she shouldn't waste her time on making lunch for him!"

I swear i could see stars around me, it was the greatest relief I've ever felt in my whole damn life.

I felt myself smiling, a big and rather creepy one according to  chou-chou's expression.

Thats the perfect excuse!

Great! I thanked aunty Hinata for making the lunch and promised myself to worship her every single day until i die.

*Which i probably won't but yeah*

"Hey, Boruto. Don't you worry! I'll take it to lord Hokage safely!" I gave his shoulder a light pat while managing a polite smile.

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a look as if saying,

'What are you on about-?'

I replied with a tight lipped smile,

'What do you mean?'

He pushed my hand off his shoulder and scoffed before saying,

"It's alright, I'll take it home. It will show my mom not to waste her time on him anymore."

I put my hand back on his shoulder and squeezed it as tight as i could, he winced and was like 'wth dude' but shut his mouth when he saw my face.

I glared at him, the meanest one i could muster.

I dont have time to deal with his childishness, my younger sister is at the line here.

I'm running thin on patience.

And that's all I've ever had in my whole life.

I gave him the nicest smile i could muster, as nice as it could get along with my glare.

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