Chapter 7: What's on the Inside

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Over the next few days, Damien trained day and night with Cyris. They knew the dangers that lay ahead probably better than anyone else. So being in top physical condition was the ultimate goal. Sword training, gun training, and physical conditioning became of the utmost importance. And they were committed with no reservations. 

They weren't the only ones that stayed busy. Diamond spent countless hours each day drawing up plans and going through them over and over. It was imperative that she didn't leave anything out or to chance. So, she spent time with her top lieutenants to ensure that when a battle broke out, The Pack would be prepared and equipped to handle it. 

Meanwhile, Christian spent his time designing new weapons. He stayed in the lab that Diamond had given him. Sometimes, he slept in there, rarely seeing his actual living quarters. Some ideas were failures. Others were near success. But, no matter what, he never quit. Indeed, the stage was beginning to be set for all-out war. 

One day, after they finished their training, Cyris and Damien took a moment to go eat at the cafeteria. Waiting in line, Damien took a moment to look around and take ever in. After two years, he had a real home, some structure, and a healthy routine, and it felt great. He had a sense of stability even though he knew, deep down, that the comfort he felt would soon be uprooted. After all, what would be the purpose of all the training if not to prepare to fight in the war? 

After getting their food, they sat down at the table and Cyris looked up at Damien.

"You know, son, I'm really glad that you decided to join us. You're definitely far ahead of any of the fighters here. You'll be a great asset here."

"Yeah, well I'm just looking to make a difference. I want this war to end. It's too much suffering, too much chaos. These people here deserve better. The world deserves better."

"And it will end," Cyris said assuring." Of course, we need intel, too. No war can be won if we're fighting blindly. And that's all we've been doing. It's been two years and we still don't know who our enemy truly is." 

"Have you guys had a plan in the past?" Damien asked.

"Honestly," Cyris started, "the plan so far has been to just survive. We've been reactive instead of proactive. I'm a soldier, Damien. I served since I was eighteen years old right up until the world took a nosedive and nearly everything and everyone was wiped out. I watched it all happen firsthand. The terror on the people's faces as they watched friends and loved ones die in an instant. Nothing and I mean absolutely, nothing prepares you for that. Not all the basic training and personal training and everything else that you think the military preps you for can get you ready for what we witnessed that day or for what we're going through now. The most that we can do is be thankful for each day that we live and pray to grow old."

As Damien looked in the distance, he could see Jimmy running up to him. "Hey, Damien!"

"What's up, kid? How are you doing?"

"I'm alright," he said. "I've been in school with the other kids."

Damien appeared surprised. "Oh, really?" Then, he looked over at Cyris. "You have a school down here?"

Cyris shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "Hey, the kids have to learn. We try to prepare them for the day we can take back the ground. Someone will have to lead after we all pass on."

"Hmm," Damien says. "That makes good sense. I'm not mad at that at all." Then, he looked back to Jimmy. "I hope you're paying good attention, Jimmy. I'll be checking on you from time to time to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, OK."

"That's cool, D," he replied. "I just wanted to say thank you for keeping me safe."

"You don't have to thank me for that," Damien responded. "I couldn't just leave you on your own. I told you, you're family now and family looks out for each other." 

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