Chapter 23: Aftermath

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The next few days proved difficult for Nadia. She had gone over those last moments in her head repeatedly trying to figure out if there was something that she could've done differently to ensure that he stayed. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't cope with the fact that Damien was gone. Adding to her fear was the prospect of being a mother and possibly raising her child without its father. It was the most terrifying feeling that she felt in years.

She spent most of her time sitting in the hospital bed where she first saw Damien wishing over and over that he would come back. Nadia replayed the moment of him flying into the portal repeatedly wishing things had panned out a lot differently. But the reality was that he was gone, and no one knew for certain when or if he was ever coming back.

The day of the memorial service for Cyris was especially difficult for Diamond. She replayed in her head time and again the moments leading up to his death wondering if she could've saved him, or if she could've sacrificed herself instead. She was heartbroken, having lost so much already. And this was no different. As she sat in her office making final arrangements, Christian walked in and sat down.

"How are you holding up?" he asked.

"Considering that we're burying the man that has been a father to me for the past two years, I guess I'm doing alright. Aside from the crying, puffy eyes, and sleepless nights, I guess I'm doing the best I can. It's just hard to accept the fact that he's gone. He was such a big part of, not only my life but everyone here. It's a huge loss for us all. I just wish that he knew what he meant to me as a mentor and father figure."

"Yeah, I understand all that," Christian stated. "I'm sure he knew. It's tough for us all. Too many losses to count. Not just Cyris, but Damien, too. Not to mention everyone else that we lost over the years."

"I know, right? Speaking of which, have you talked to Nadia lately?"

Christian said with a sigh, "I have here and there. She's taking Damien being gone pretty hard. As much as I try to stay positive, it's hard trying to assure her that he'll be back when I don't even know it myself. It's crazy, you know? They fell in love with each other at the same time he was going through his struggles with his 'awakening' and then she got pregnant – which was a surprise to all of us. It's like, now what? What does she do?"

"I know what you mean," Diamond acknowledged. "We're both gonna have to be there for her. What about you? You haven't really said much about it."

"I know. I'm OK, I guess. I miss my brother. That's for sure. It's different not having him around to look after me. Don't get me wrong, though. I get why he did what he did. It makes my admiration and respect for him that much greater. In the end, I guess, no one won. We lost too much to get where we are now. Not only have we lost our actual families, but now our family here is fractured. And honestly, I don't think it'll ever be whole again. Yeah, Damien might come back, and their family is expanding. But without Cyris, it just feels like there's a gap there that can't be filled again."

"I know what you mean. It kind of makes you think, though, about what's next."

"Yeah, definitely. Have you thought about what I said to you before?"

"Yeah," she said as she sat back in her chair. "Do you think we can make it work? Don't get me wrong. I would love to, but..."

Christian stood up and walked around the desk to Diamond and took hold of her hand and kissed it. "We have the whole future ahead of us to figure it out. We can do this," Christian said. He kissed her and walked out of the room as Diamond smiled from ear to ear.

Meanwhile, Nadia kept a constant vigil in Damien's room at the clinic. For her, that room held some of the fondest memories that she had experienced in two years. The moment she laid eyes on Damien was the moment she felt complete, whole even. Now, without him there to talk to her, hold her, comfort her, and love her, she didn't know where to turn or what to do.

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