Chapter 10: In the Face of Evil

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Another night passed and it proved to be a difficult one for Damien. Not only were the nightmares worse than the night before, but this time, he woke up with extreme heat radiating from his body. He didn't feel sick or feverish or anything of that nature. He was only hot.

As he got out of bed, he went over to the thermostat to check the temperature and his room was at a moderate seventy-two degrees. Thinking that maybe it was broken, he hit it a few times to see if it would glitch, and when that did nothing, he walked to the vent to check it but there wasn't any type of air coming out of it. Thinking that just maybe he was imagining things, he went on about his normal morning routine. So, after his training session with Cyris, he went to meet Christian down in the hangar.

Meanwhile, Christian was prepping his truck for the day. He took the time to empty anything unnecessary for the trip and even planned for Jimmy to join him.

"Come on, Jimmy," Christian shouted. "We need to move fast if we're gonna be back by sundown."

Jimmy did the best he could to get his bag ready for his trip with Christian. They were going on a supply run and Christian wanted to make good time and be back before sunset because that's when the danger was the worst, and the Night-stalkers ran the streets.

As they got in the truck, Damien ran up to them.

"You guys are finally making that run?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're headed back out south today towards Homewood," Christian answered. "Food, electronics... the usual stuff. I think we need some building tools, too. I'm not sure."

"Yeah, Christian is gonna show me how to take some parts off of some old computers! I can't wait!" Jimmy was very enthusiastic. It was the first time since being in the bunker that he got to spend any time with Christian or Damien. So, he was very excited.

Damien laughed. "Oh, is he?" he said jokingly. He looked over at Christian. "Be careful, Chris, seriously. Take care of him. It's really bad out there right now and I have a bad feeling."

Christian got in the truck and started the ignition and soon after, Jimmy followed. "Oh, Damien. I didn't know you cared so much," Christian joked.

"I don't," he quipped. "But who else is gonna laugh at my bad jokes? Just be safe..."

As Damien walked away, Christian and Jimmy drove off.

When they got outside, everything looked clear. There was no sign of danger on the street or anywhere in the vicinity. So, they headed out on their mission to obtain supplies. As they drove off, Christian pulled out a CD and put it on the radio. Jimmy looked over at Christian.

"What is that you just put on?" Jimmy asked.

"Linkin Park's second album - Meteora," Christian answered. "This was one of my favorite CDs when I was a kid."

"Who is Linkin Park?"

"Aw, Jimmy, have I got some things to teach you..." So, Christian turned up the radio and kept driving.

"So, where are we going anyway?" Jimmy asked.

"To this area where there was a grocery store, hardware store, and some other things that we need. There's a huge electronics store over that way, too, that used to sell computer parts and whole computer systems and software. We couldn't get any of it the last time when we were at the mall because of what happened. So, maybe this time, we can gather what we need and get back."

"Do you think it's safe?"

"I sure hope so, Jimmy. We need these supplies. The Pack needs these supplies."

Days of Darkness: AwakeningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora