No friends to having friends?

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Tw: Bullying 

The sound of an alarm rang trough Denki's bedroom, making him wake up from his slumber. The now fifteen-year-old Denki, getting ready for school. Luckily, when Denki was fourteen Hitoshi was able to mute all of the texts from Denki's 'friends', making it look like they were just ignoring him. Which Denki didn't seem to mind after a few days. 

Denki only had about a week left of school before summer hit. His hair was slightly longer, as he usually placed the extra hair in a small ponytail. He had cut it when he was fourteen. It was choppy and uneven at spots, but Denki looked proud about what he had done, making his self-esteem level better than what it had been. Of course, Denki's Rist was no longer broken after a bit of wearing the cast. Tho Ranger and Hitoshi never stopped worrying about Denki as bad luck seemed to chase after him while he walked cluelessly.

Hitoshi may not care much for dogs, him and Ranger had the same job, so Ranger started to grow on him. Denki walked out the door, backpack on each shoulder, Ranger on a leash, and Hitoshi flying practically above him, as he used this time to stretch his wings. The weather was getting hotter once again. Denki didn't mind too much but he would much rather it be cold. But the wind he felt every time he went to school came and made him feel more relaxed.

Suddenly, Denki felt a hand grab his shoulder and slam him near an alleyway. The thing with getting bullied and beat up, you couldn't do anything. Hitoshi tried looking for anything he could possibly do, but there was nothing. It would be too obvious that something was off if Hitoshi blocked their hits. Not even Ranger could do anything, as he was tied to a poll that held a light on top of it. It was too tight, that if Ranger tried yanking at it, he would choke himself.

Hitoshi went out of the alleyway for split second to see if someone was around, but no one was in sight. Hitoshi cussed under his breath. "We had gone to jail because you weren't there!" Fuji said while punching Denki's right eye. "We thought you are friend! What kind of shitty person does that!?" Dai shouted at the poor boy who tried scooting away. Botan was only keeping watch of Ranger, as if he was teasing the dog.

Suddenly, a girl with pink fluffy hair, her skin being tanner, ran over to Dai who was about to punch Denki once again. Denki's nose was bleeding, his eye being a purple color. A boy with black hair, his eyes quite red. Made his way down towards Denki.

Hitoshi sighed with relief. Tho these people were strangers, they went over to help Denki without knowing the full situation. It was an act of kindness that Hitoshi knew Denki wouldn't forget. Hitoshi still made sure they didn't pull anything, but he was less tense as before.

"Hey man. My name Eijirou Kirishima, that girl over there is Mina Ashido. We have a club that try's and stop's bullying. You're lucky we found you!" Kirishima said, as he pulled what seemed to be a small med-kit. Ashido Tho was making sure the three guys never went near Denki ever again. Hitoshi was impressed to say the least, who knew someone would be so prepared and ready for a fight.

Denki didn't try to defend his so called 'friends', and Hitoshi was proud of that. He the two strangers come to his aid. Botan was not watching Ranger anymore, making it easier for Hitoshi to loosen his leash and letting Ranger go over to attack.

Kirishima had gotten up, picking Denki up with him before running. Hitoshi quickly used his wings to use at a boost to go quicker and catch up with the two. He didn't know if they were secret kidnappers and would much rather like to know where Denki is.

Tho when Kirishima placed Denki down at his school, Denki looked at him kind of weird. "Oh! Don't worry I'm not a stalker I swear! I just saw your school uniform. Also, I'll bring your dog for you!" Kirishima said quickly before saying a quick 'Bye' and running off towards they once were. Denki stood there. He felt shocked. 

As Denki walked towards the school building, he replayed the whole thing over in his head. It happened quite quickly. The sudden push in the alleyway, then the sudden pain in his face after being punched. Sparkly band-aids were on his nose along with a tissue that was stuffed up his nose, and a band-aid on his chine where there was a small scrape. His eye was surrounded by a purple color as it ached to blink. His eye looked more squinted because of the swelling.

When Denki walked in the classroom, he was met with a few gasped. No was expecting someone to show up with a beat-up face. "Sorry I'm late" he said before heading to his desk. Not to long after he was sent to nurse's office. Having an icepack on his eye.

His parents were called and told about what the teacher's had saw. Tho what they said Denki got in a fight. It may have seemed that way, but that wasn't the true story. When Denki's father picked him up, the car was filled with the yells of his father. Hitoshi understood in way, he too was concerned about Denki. 

When Denki was at home, once again. No word left his mouth. Hitoshi looked at his file, seeing his mental health went down. A larger frown came Apon Hitoshi's face. As Denki ripped out a drawling, one he did not too long ago, and one Hitoshi wasn't able to get a look at. Was getting ripped up. They weren't tiny pieces, but they were still smaller.

Frustrated tears fell down Denki's face. His knees buckled under him as he fell to the floor, though Hitoshi's wing went where his knees would have hit, making it a softer landing. Hitoshi winced at the sudden pain that came from his wing. But it was the least he could do after he wasn't able to do anything when Denki was getting hurt. Who knows how long that may haunt Hitoshi.

After a bit, there was a knock at the door and Denki quickly wiped his face, making his way towards the door before Hitoshi could do anything. When the door opened, it revealed Ashido and Kirishima. Kirishima holding Ranger in his arms. "We went to your school, and they said you went home. They told us where you live so then we came to give you your dog back!" Kirishima said placing Ranger to the ground.

Denki smiled at them until Ashido spoke "We're glad we could help you! Oh, are you ok?" She said, the last part being in a much softer tone then before. Denki only nodded but Ashido gave him a hug. Kirishima doing the same after just a moment. They let go Denki, a smile on both of their faces. "Well, we're get out of your hair!" Ashido say's about to walk away with Kirishima fallowing.

"Hey, um. Maybe we could hang out some time?" Denki ask's the two. Ashido beams while Kirishima smiles kindly. They both seemed like nice people. But Hitoshi will always keep his guard up.

They both nod before making their way back from wherever they came from. An excited smile appears on the blonds face as he closes the front door, Ranger jumping excitedly with him.

That night, Denki actually went to bed on his own. He didn't fall asleep on his desk and Hitoshi felt as though these people were actually going to take care of Denki when he needs them. That night Hitoshi grabbed the pieces of the ripped-up art, putting it together like a puzzle. When finishing, it revealed Denki himself. The art wasn't finished as he didn't seem to get to the face. Hitoshi typed the unfinished drawling back together from the back.

But Denki had woken up to floating pieces of paper.  

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