I failed so instead I'll lay in defeat

17 1 0

One week ago.

Stormy clouds decorated the sky, though not a drop of rain poured of gloomy sky up above.

Shota walked the cemented sidewalk, heading towards a familiar house that another teacher lived, though he knew the woman for quite some time regardless of their work. The woman had a talent, one that was useful to Shota for once. 

With a knock of the red door, he waited for it to be opened. It was silence as cars drove passed, though with another knock, the door was opened. Her dark purple hair (though it looked indigo) was tied in a tight ponytail while she wore a white, skintight sweater to show off any and every curve she had, along with the pair of jeans that were snug on her body.

"What a surprise you give me a visit unannounced." Nemuri spoke with a small smirk on her lips. With a sigh, Shota gave her a glare that she only waved off with a hand. "I need you to do something for me." His voice's tired and raspy tone seemed to never change, though to Nemuri, there was a slight hint of a worry or maybe hope that was added in the mix.

Moving to the side, Shota walked inside. 

The house was surprisingly well kept with dark wooden flooring that shined from being cleaned recently, as far as Shota could tell. 

The door closed while Shota awaited for Nemuri to walk Infront to lead the way. "I'll make us some tea, you can wait in dining area." She instructed, heading towards the kitchen to prepare whatever tea she had stored in her cupboards.

Shota headed towards the dining area. A small, but decently sized circular table was in the middle of the smaller room, as only four chairs went around it. The chair scratched against the floor, causing a screech like noise that only annoyed the man as he sat down, looking at the obvious fake flowers that were inside of a white glass vase.

It didn't take to long for the woman to come back with two dark red teacups in hand. She placed one Infront of Shota while she placed the other where she was now seated. 

Silence took over the room as if the two have never seen or met each other until Shota picked up the teacup with a steady hand and took a small sip of the steaming beverage that burned the back of his throat, though he barley flinched or made a facial expression that expressed one of pain.

Taking a breath, Shota began. "It's about the newer student, Denki Kaminari." His word caught Nemuri's attention as she quirked her eyebrow. "What? Is he failing that bad? It would be a shame if you expelled the kid, he's quite the charmer." She spoke, a smirk playing at her lips.

Shota shook his head. "I didn't come all this way to talk about his grades." Shota said, his eyes narrowing at the woman across from him. 

Nemuri seemed in thought as she placed her chin in her palm, her elbow on the table. She examined Shota, looking for a hint. Her face suddenly dropped, an eyebrow raised as a thought crossed her mind. "Are you saying your finally believing that after all these years?" Nemuri asked in a teasing way, and all Shota replied with was a small shrug.

The tired man sighed, rethinking his choices. It was absurd, but the thought kept him up longer than usual to where it worried his husband. 

It all started when Shota, Hizashi, and Nemuri were all late teenagers, maybe seventeen. They often all sat at lunch, Shota usually being pulled in that direction. Shota barley remembers the whole story of it, but he remembers Nemuri speaking about how some people could see the dead. 

It was on the news so long ago that many didn't believe, such as Shota himself. Some people claimed to see someone with wings like an angels, but that seemed impossible.

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