Shut your heart up

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Hitoshi doesn't remember getting into the position he was in.

When Denki went down to eat the dinner Bakugou had yelled at everyone to eat, he almost cried multiple times considering Uraraka and Midoriya came in, holding hands and when Uraraka held up her spoon to Midoriya to take a bite of something, Denki excused himself.

No one questioned him. The only one who said something was Bakugou who yelled out saying to eat the rest of his food next time and to wash his own plate even if the ash blond washed the plate anyway.

After Ranger was fed, Denki flopped onto his bed and let himself drown in his own pity party. The only person that Hitoshi knew who knew about Denki's hand was Sero who eyed it for a moment, seeming concerned.

But beside Hitoshi sitting down next to Denki on his bed, he doesn't remember how or when they got in the position Hitoshi found them in.

Denki's pillow was being used so Hitoshi's back could be comfortable sense he was sat against the wall. His legs were stretched out which made him sit like a toddler. Denki, on the other hand, was in the middle of his legs, using Hitoshi's thigh as a pillow.

The guardian angels' wings were out and around them. As if to make a wall. Denki had a blanket around him to keep him warm while a hand was placed in his hair. Denki's eyes seemed red around them as he had tear streaks on his cheeks.

He seemed comfortable.

Apparently, Hitoshi fell asleep for a good forty-five minutes. The sun was starting to rise, and the alarm would go off in a bit. He might as well wake up the blond so it would be easier to for Denki to get to school on time.

Hitoshi nudged the blond, who barley even woke up. "Hey, wake up." He spoke. His voice was slightly hoarse from not talking in the passing hours. He cleared his throat, with a yawn, but he kept nudging the blond to get up.

Denki groaned, barley trying to open his eyes. "Five more minutes..." He mumbled tiredly. "Come on. If you get up early you won't be late." Hitoshi tried, but Denki just simply fell back asleep, not hearing Hitoshi's words.

When five minutes passed, Hitoshi tried again. A few times. He even stood up, making Denki move quite a bit and make him loose his 'pillow', but he seemed too careless and just fall back asleep each time he was barley awake.

Hitoshi went another direction. Grabbing both of Denki's ankles. Which seemed to make his eyes snap open, he dragged him out of the comfort of his bed. His arms went as high as they could go, making the blond hang upside down, his head a few inches from the hard floor.

Now Denki seemed wide awake. "Put me down!" He yelled a complaint. "Hmm... No, you don't seem that awake." Hitoshi said, seeming as though he were thinking of something else. "No! I'm awake! I'm awake!"

Suddenly, he was slowly swinging from his upside-down position. If anyone walked past the door, who knows what they would think. "Hitoshi! I'm awake! I swear!" He said, and the small laugh that came blond told Hitoshi he did what needed he needed to do.

Swinging him up a little higher, he safely put Denki back in bed, his hair messier than ever. "Why couldn't you just wake me up normally?" Denki asked, rubbing his eyes. "Normally would have you still sleeping." He told.

"I don't even want to go to class. It's so boring and I don't want to see...a relationship I don't think about." Weirdly said words but Hitoshi understood. But Denki didn't want other people to know about it and that would seem suspicious. Not to mention he already skipped quite a few classes when Hitoshi was sick.

"Well, your gunna have to." Hitoshi tells, throwing his UA uniform at him. The blond just groaned. "I'd rather dig up a hole and light it on fire so I can jump in it so I wouldn't ever have to go to school ever again." Denki said, Hitoshi giving a small glare.

"That's not dramatic at all." Hitoshi muttered; his voice was dripping with sarcasm as he tried to find the boys tie in his small closet. He probably threw it in there, like how he apparently threw a few pairs of pants. He really needed to organize his closet one of these days. Hitoshi can't just find everything for him.

When he heard the small grumble and the slam of a bathroom door, Hitoshi knew the blond was putting on his school uniform and getting ready for whatever today had in store.


Denki was right on time when he made it to his first class for today. His hand was re-bandaged much to Hitoshi's liking as he was the one who made stay in his dorm for a few more minutes to check on the wound.

Of course, Denki wondered how long Midoriya and Uraraka have been together. How long was he to oblivious to notice something so in his face now. He tried to keep his eyes away from the two, especially when they were near each other. As rude as it may seem.

One thing Denki forgot about was Ashido. The girl was giving him glances as the first two classes passed. When bell rang for them to prepare for the next lesson, Denki went to other classroom that only few were inside at the moment, as some went to go to bathroom or something.

It was a normal routine for Hitoshi. He kept his eyes out of course, sometimes needing to tap on Denki's hand as a way to tell him to focus back on class so he could take notes and etc.

"Hey Kam-Kam." Ashido said, hands on the blond's desk as she looked at him with a grin. Denki looked up at her from where he was looking at his phone, seeming confused from where the new nickname came from.

"Soooo, you gunna tell me who this mystery person of yours is?" She say's innocently while batting her eyelash's. Denki hears Hitoshi groan quietly. "I don't know what guy you speak of." The blond decides to say with a shrug, looking back at the small screen in his hand.

"Oh, so it's a guy you say?" Ashido says, her smile growing and looking Offley mischievous. "Still don't know what you're talking about." Denki decided to play dumb. He was great natural at doing so and he didn't feel like getting investigated, especially now that Uraraka came in holding hands with Midoriya.

The blond let out a small sigh as Ashido's talking became his background noise as he swiped on his phone. That's until Ashido became frustrated with her friend's lack of response, even looking around to see if anyone else from the squad was here, only to see Bakugou who flipped her off.

"Ugh, who is it? Your boyfriend or something?" Denki looked up; expression was not readable though he seemed slightly confused on her question mixed with something she couldn't put her finger on.

Denki didn't need a reminder of anything to do with relationships. And he didn't even like Hitoshi that way. He'd much rather drown then be in a relationship right now. Anything besides that so his heart could hurt less.

"What, no." He muttered. That hurt a little, the way he spoke it with slight bitterness. Hitoshi knew why he said it the way he did, but that didn't seem to stop the slight bruise it left on his heart. He really needed to shut his heart up.

Little did either of the two know was the same thought crossed their minds at the same time. They both just wanted to make sure they didn't fall for anyone, even if Denki did it in a bit more dramatic fashion.

Ashido interrupted both of their minds thinking.

"If you have a crush on this guy, I can hook you guys up." She whispered to him with a wink, walking to her own desk with a small laugh from Denki's reaction. Denki didn't even realize everyone was here now and English class had started. 

And while Hitoshi brushed the comment away, Denki sat there as still as a rock for a moment before he heard the booming voice of his English teacher that snapped him away from whatever trance he was in.

The red strings barley touched for the first time... 

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