The Teacher

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Each morning, Denki started his day off with a sugary bowl of cereal. On occasion someone would make something else, like eggs, rice, miso soup, and sometimes even a rolled omelet. But those were usually made on weekends when someone woke up early and had time on their hands.

But today was no weekend. Though Denki would highly appreciate it to be as he wondered just how long the couple were together while he crushed on a girl who had no interest in him. It was a question he thought of, but he never wanted the answer. He didn't need another reason to, 'die in a mouton of pillows.' Hitoshi's words, not his.

Pouring the overly sweet cereal is when he saw his homeroom teacher come into the dorms. As far as Denki's aware, the teacher hasn't come into the dorm building. Unless he did when he was in his room, he wouldn't know. But alas, his nervousness spiked up as he felt himself straighten his posture.

Why would his homeroom teacher be in the dorm building? And why on the one day Denki was the only one in the kitchen and common room he might add. Teachers made him nervous, and he very ashamed of that considering all his teachers seemed to always hate him.

And Denki isn't as dumb as he may seem. He recognized Mr. Aizawa as the guy he ran into at the store, once upon a time. But that was moment he didn't want to think about considering when he did realize he was staring at his homeroom teacher for far too long, trying to make sure his mind was right.

And sadly, it was. But god, did he really have to go through the embarrassment of Mr. Aizawa telling him to stop staring at him. He didn't need anyone thinking he was one of those weirdo's who had a crush on their teacher. But in all fairness, Mr. Aizawa looked like a dead zombie 99% of the time.

And Denki never really liked zombies. The thought of something prying his head open to eat his brain did not sound so great. He had plenty of nightmares about them.

He couldn't help but scoot a bit more near Hitoshi, who glared the black-haired teacher who slowly made his way near him. Denki gulped down the spit that became too much for his mouth even if it didn't seem to be a whole lot.

And Denki wished he put on his school uniform instead of staying in the black pajama pants with Pikachu heads all over it with yellow fuzzy socks and of course, a navy blue shirt that wasn't even meant to be for sleepwear, but it felt too comfy to not sleep in. And to top it all off, he has a bedhead.

The blond felt as though he were being watched. Probably because he was the only one in the dorm room, but that didn't stop his nerves. His movements felt stiff even, as he grabbed the milk to pour over his cereal of wonder.

Putting the milk away and not even looking at Mr. Aizawa, he grabbed a spoon, and leaned his back to the counter, acting as if he didn't even notice the teacher that walked over to make, what Denki presumed to be a pot of coffee. Why here? He doesn't know.

The blond couldn't help but give the guardian angel beside him a few weird glances considering the way he kept on glaring at the homeroom teacher, as if he was his worst enemy. Which would be funny in Denki's opinion.

"Good morning, Kaminari." That's when the blond realized he was spacing out with a spoon in his mouth, the tired, gruff voice making him snap out of whatever trance he was in. Glancing up and taking the spoon from his mouth, he can't help the hard swallow he takes when swallowing his cereal.

"Good morning." He mumbles. His voice betrayed and made him sound nervous, which he didn't appreciate whatsoever. He watched, and ate, as the black-haired adult poured the coffee with a plain black mug, taking a sip like it wasn't steaming.

The silence was unbearable, but the blond had no words to speak. He kept his eyes on his cereal as much as he could, even if he found himself curious of what his teacher was doing, but that led to unnecessarily eye contact. 

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