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I woke early the next morning and left for breakfast, finding Percy Weasley already there. While he wasn't exactly the most intriguing conversationalist, he was most helpful at giving directions. Later, Fred and George had offered to give me a few "shortcuts" but Percy berated them because "students weren't supposed to be allowed in those hallways."

I led Harry and Ron around when they were lost, and though she knew where she was going Hermione always tagged along with us because she and I had gotten to be very good friends. I had really been pushing Ron and Harry about her but they still hadn't opened up. I was just happy we were all in the same house together.

Classes were mind-boggling. My favorite so far had to be either Charms or Transfiguration. I hadn't cared much for Herbology, and Astronomy made me tired. Defense Against the Dark Arts had potential, but Professor Quirrel seemed too shaken up whenever he tried to get into anything even remotely dangerous. I felt sorry for him.

Friday was the first day we had Potions.

"Double Potions, actually," Ron said, sounding revolted. "With Slytherin."

"I think I've had enough of Malfoy for now, thank you," Harry grimaced.

"I reckon he's afraid of me," I mused.

"I don't blame him," Ron said. "You're scary sometimes."

Scary? "What?" I inquired. "Why?"

"When you talk you've got this look in your eye," said Harry. "It's very intense."

"And yesterday, you split the screaming beetroot into completely even thirds!" Ron exclaimed. "While it was screaming!"

"Your point being?" I asked with a mouth full of muffin.

"We weren't supposed to cut them open," Harry reminded me. "Just shave them."

I had gotten in a spot of trouble with Professor Sprout about that almost immediately. The Hufflepuffs we were working with didn't seem very pleased by the situation either, as the screaming beetroot only continued to scream, thrice as loudly.

"What's any fun about that?" I indignantly forked some more pancake into my mouth. After I swallowed, I continued. "It was far more interesting to see how it looked on the inside—"

"It was screaming!" Ron gestured with his hands. "And you cut it into perfect thirds! She measured!"

"And you just ate those pancakes without syrup," Harry added. "That's pretty terrifying to me."

"Well excuse me then," I rolled my eyes. "But I won't apologize for being a bit odd."

"Honestly, you two need to lighten up a little," Hermione told them. I smiled appreciatively at her.

"Can it, Hermione," Ron grimaced.

I was about to make him apologize, but suddenly the post came in. Several owls came swooping into the Great Hall. I found Willow almost immediately and she dropped my father's letter back into my own hands.

     My Dear Lila,

     Your Aunt Kara is here helping me take care of the house and myself, so I don't want you to worry too much. By the time you get this, you'll probably have had a few classes by now. Let me know how they've gone and which ones are your favorite. Aunt Kara thinks you're at boarding school, and I was worried she'd see me sending this or getting letters from you, but Willow has figured out to only come to my window. She's a very smart owl. Excellent choice.

     I miss you so much at home! I can't wait to see you again during the Holidays! I hope that we can talk all about school and all of the friends that you probably already have! I love you, little detective. Owl me back when you can!

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