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As I'd predicted, Ron's finger was a disturbing shade of green and had swelled to twice its normal size. He seemed more distraught than usual when we visited him in the Hospital Wing.

"It's not just my hand," he said. "Though it feels like it's about to fall off. Malfoy visited me earlier and took one of my books just to taunt me. He kept threatening to tell Madam Pomfrey what really bit me — I said it was a dog, but she doesn't believe me — it's because of what happened at the Quidditch match, that's why he's doing this."

Hermione and I shared a glance. I felt irritation at Malfoy start to bubble in my chest. He was terribly good at pissing me off, even when he wasn't there.

"It's okay, it'll all be over by midnight on Saturday," Hermione said soothingly. Ron shot up in his bed.

"Midnight on Saturday!" He repeated. "Oh no. The letter Charlie sent was in that book! He's going to know our plan!"

We didn't have any further time to discuss this, as Madam Pomfrey shooed us out.

"He doesn't know about the invisibility cloak," Harry said optimistically. "And Lila will be keeping watch. We'll have to risk it, or else Hagrid is done for."

Midnight on Saturday couldn't have happened fast enough. That evening, I sneaked out, while Harry and Hermione followed me at a distance with the invisibility cloak. I was to knock something over or make a noise in case someone were to walk by. My feet were bare, providing for the least loud and fastest way for me to run if necessary, and I wore a short sleeved pajama shirt and shorts despite the cold. I was too distracted by the adrenaline to feel it.

We walked up several staircases, and as I entered the corridor to the tallest tower I saw a flickering lamp and heard the voices of two people. I flattened myself against the wall as they walked in the corridor adjacent to mine.

"Detention!" The voice was Professor McGonagall. "And twenty points from Slytherin! Meandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you!"

"You don't understand, Professor! Harry Potter's coming — he's got a dragon."

"Nonsense! What utter rubbish! I shall see Professor Snape about you, Malfoy." McGonagall said scornfully. Their footsteps faded away, and we were in the clear. I reached the top of the tower before Harry and Hermione did, and waited for their arrival. Malfoy had played himself that time. What had he been expecting to do? Sneak out and not face the consequences?

Dimly, I recognized that that was exactly what I was doing right now.

Harry and Hermione arrived soon, as did Charlie and his friends. After seeing them off, Harry and Hermione and I began to walk down the staircase. Midway there, I remembered the invisibility cloak at the top of the tower. I told them to wait while I ran up and fetched it. I threw it over myself on the way down, careful not to make a noise. However, I was too late.

My heart stopped. Filch had spotted them.

"Well, well, well," he sneered. "We are in trouble."

I could swear Mrs. Norris saw me, but she let me be, only mewling wretchedly.

As Filch lead Harry and Hermione away, I dejectedly made my way back to the common room to tell Ron.

Had I been two seconds quicker, they wouldn't have been found. I had failed them. No wonder they didn't want me around.

I turned the corner to the portrait hole and saw none other than the headmaster himself, as if he were waiting for somebody. My heart raced. Had he known? Did McGonagall tell him? Did Malfoy?

"There's no need to worry, Lila, I know you're there," he said calmly. "I'm just here to talk, if you'll follow me to my office, please."

This was it. I was getting expelled. Grudgingly, I took off the cloak and walked behind him to his office.

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