match made in hell

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Quidditch season was approaching, and the Gryffindor first years (plus Fred and George) were busier than ever. We planned to surprise Harry with a banner for his first match. We could all tell he was nervous despite how nonchalant he tried to be around us. We figured he needed the confidence boost.

Ron offered up his own sheet (though it was one Scabbers had ruined). Dean was enlisted with the drawing of the lion — I'd caught him doodling in class and he was rather good. The rest of us were there to decorate and provide moral support. It took quite a bit of effort for the Gryffindor boys to sneak out as to not wake him up. Neville stepped on Ron's toe, which almost made him cry out. He had complained to me about this, but Hermione, who was heading the project with Ron and I, didn't want to leave him out.

Fred and George weren't originally supposed to help, but Ron had let it slip and they threatened to tell Harry if we didn't let them. They didn't really contribute much — all they did was bother Ron and try to guess how I could tell them apart. However, they brought scarlet and gold glitter and Lavender and Parvati were working giddily on the borders with it. They both fancied Harry (most of the first year girls did), but I only knew because they were whispering about him very indiscreetly. 

"I hope Harry likes this poster," Lavender was saying.

"I think it looks great, why shouldn't he?" Parvati giggled.

"We can tell him we did the borders," Lavender grinned, blushing.

"Merlin, stop with that," Ron groaned. The two looked up, not noticing he'd been listening.

"With what?" The two of them looked at him affrontedly.

"If he were interested in either of you I would have to make sure he wasn't confunded," Ron scoffed and turned on his heel.

They went silently back to work. I noticed Hermione and Ron share a look before going back to their respective works.

They knew something I didn't, but I didn't care so much about that. I was transfixed watching Dean working on the main part of the poster. The intensity in his eyes was admirable as he carefully sketched each hair on the lions mane.

"It looks excellent," I told him. He looked up, startled. I realized he probably hadn't noticed I was there, watching him draw every little sketch mark. "You have an aptitude for details."

"That's what brings it all together," he shrugged. "The small things."

He smiled, his eyes seeming almost brighter at the compliment. The small things. I supposed that was one thing artists and detectives have in common — attention to detail.

"If you both are done making eyes at each other," Ron said, taking the both of us by surprise. It was equally as funny on the other end of the stick, though. Dean and I laughed.

"You definitely misunderstood," Dean chuckled.

Seamus muttered something unintelligible. Dean elbowed him in the arm, causing him to wince, but he was laughing anyway.

"Dean's leagues ahead of Malfoy, at least," Ron said to me. I wasn't sure if I agreed — they both had their strengths. However, Malfoy hadn't visited me much recently, and we rarely spoke in Potions. I figured he was annoyed I was friends with Harry and Ron again. I supposed I couldn't make everyone happy.

"For your information, Ron, we haven't been speaking very often," I frowned at him.

"That's too bad," Dean patted me on the shoulder.

"For him, yes," I winked. Dean seemed to find this very funny, which made me smile. Ron rolled his eyes, but went off to berate Lavender and Parvati for giggling about Harry again.

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