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Thursday evening after work, I start at Swati's boutique. I know if I don't go there today, I will not find time to get an outfit for Thembisile's movie premiere and I will be forced not to go or repeat an outfit and I hate both those outcomes. Lethi met up with Mr. Nzama on Monday and they spent like three hours together. He still won't tell me what they talked about. What he did tell me is that his wife left for a vacation. She said she needed some air because being in the same country as him was suffocating her. Rich people problems. South Africa or even Durban is big enough for people not to run into each other but I guess she needs to be given time to come around. Aphiwe was discharged from the hospital and Lethi's mom is the one looking after her since Zoleka is a little MIA.

I get to the boutique and head inside. I don't really know what I want, but I know it has to be fabulous and make a fashion statement. I find Fikile at the entrance just like the last time.

"Lindsay, how are you?" she asks with a wide smile as if we are besties and frown. She quickly catches on. "I stalked you on social media and I must say, I love your content and your style. Especially the clothes you wore in Singapore. They were giving." An admirer. Wow.
"Thanks for that. I am fine, by the way. Is Swati in?" I don't need to drag this any longer. I have a salon appointment in 30 minutes.

"Right this way." She leads the way to the lounge and I find Swati lying on one of the couches while staring at her phone. Oww, she is on a video call. It looks like I have interrupted her moment. She looks up and smiles at me.
"Baby, a client just walked in. I will call you once I am free. Bye." She gets up and places her phone on the coffee table. "Lindani, twice in one week. Am I lucky or what?" I chuckle.

"Well I was in need of your services and after the last time we were here, I loved your work ethics and techniques. That's why I came back."
She nods. "How can we help you?"

"I am attending my friend's movie premiere on Saturday and I know it's short notice, but I need an outfit. If I could, I would've gone to any shop to mix and match but it's a red carpet affair, so I can't rock a mall look on the red carpet."

She snorts. "You look like you will be causing me a lot of trouble with your last minute outfit requests. Anyways, I will help you only because of Lethi. If you were someone else, I would've told you we are closed for the weekend since it's a holiday tomorrow. Now sit down." Thank God. "What do you have in mind?"

"Anything fabulous and iconic but not a dress. At least not for this occasion."

"Hmm." She looks at me for a few moments before walking away. I will never get used to her scrutinizing gaze. She comes back after a few minutes with two different fabrics of the same colour, violet. "Stand up." I do as she says. She would've made a great army commander because dishing out orders is her thing. She holds out the fabric against my skin and then I see her stitching some of it up with pins. I am so confused by what she is doing but I keep my mouth shut. After 10 minutes she smiles at me. "Perfect." She looks at the ruffled fabric on my shoulders and then places it on the table. "So will you be able to collect it tomorrow evening or shall I ask someone to deliver it to your house?"

"A delivery will be great. I don't think I will find time to go out tomorrow."
"Okay. What's your address?" I call it out and she writes it on a piece of paper. "Fikile or someone else will deliver your outfit. I know you will be impressed by it because I know my story. Your purchase will be added to Lethi's account. Do you need any accessories to go with your outfit?"

"I trust you, so whatever you say goes."
She smiles. "Thank you for that. Hope you come back soon." I hug her and then head out. If she impresses me with this outfit, then she will be my go-to designer forever.


After my salon appointment, I head to a restaurant that's 15 minutes away from my house. When I get there, just as I am about to request a table for one from the hostess, a familiar laugh startles me. I look around and spot Futhy. She is not alone, she is with her husband, Ndosi omkhulu, her mother and Gcino. Well they are surrounded by their guards who are occupying other tables.

"I will be joining them, please bring me a chair." I say to the hostess and she looks like she is about to tell me I am delusional. "FUTHI!" I shout and almost everyone turns to look at me. Futhy sees me and she stands up with a wide smile.

"Hey! Come here!" I walk towards their table and we share a hug. "My God, look at you. You're stunning. Did you put on make-up?" Futhy is the type of girlfriend that every girl or gay needs because she knows how to boost your confidence or hype you.

I smile. "Yes. I just came from the salon. How is everyone doing? Hey Gcino. Still troublesome as ever?" I greet everyone and shake hands with them.
Gcino grins. "I am matured now. I am just sad that you didn't invite me to your housewarming."

"Adults only, kid." Everyone laughs around the table. I think he is 22 or 23 now but he will always be Futhy's baby brother. "Don't worry though. Maybe you can come and see my house before everyone else. It's a 15 minutes drive from here." He smiles. A waiter brings me a chair and I smile thankfully before sitting next to Gcino.
"I would also like to see your house. I was so happy when Futhy told me that you bought a new one. How are you going to survive in a quiet neighbourhood since you're this loud?" Futhy's mom comments and we all laugh.

"I am adjusting, ma. It's definitely new territory but I will get used to it as time goes by. I actually just realised how lonely it is to stay alone in the suburbs. No wonder most people are married or cohabiting." Ndosi chuckles.
"For you to cohabitate, it will mean you should bring a man to me and I have to approve of him first before I can let him stay with you." He states and Kuhle chortles.
"Abort mission. Fall back soldiers." He chirps in and we all laugh.

I love Ndosi omkhulu though. He is protective of all Futhy's friends. He doesn't care whether you're a full grown adult or not. If he wants to instil some discipline, nothing will stop him. He recently shouted and knocked some sense into Noma, a whole queen, because she was thinking of resigning as the CEO of her law firm. I don't know What made her decide that but Carter was against it and he actually just reported Noma to Ndosi who ended the whole nonsense in under thirty minutes. This man can humble you.

"I wouldn't mind bringing the man to you, Ndosi. I trust your judgement." I smile at him and he grins.
"Finally, someone who doesn't see me as the bad guy." He boasts and Jabu rolls her eyes.
"We won't hear the end of it." She comments, sitting back. Waiters come and places dozens of dishes on the table. "Don't worry about ordering your food. We ordered enough to feed a whole nation." She smiles at me. She and Ndosi are total opposites of each other but they do compliment each other and I love how unconditional their love is for their family and for each other.
"I can't wait to meet the mystery man. Futhi hasn't stopped talking about him." Kuhle teases, looking at me. I give Futhy a pointed look and she shrugs with a smirk.
"He is actually not a mystery since you know his name and surname. Kuhle, you of all people should know more about him right now, even the name of his first pet." He blushes.
"I am not that bad." He defends himself and Futhy laughs.
"Yes, you are."
"There is already a man in your life?" Jabu asks and I nod.

"He is the one who actually, no I bought the car and house with his card after he pissed me off. One big flaw about him is that he has a wife and kids. But apparently he wants to take me as his second spouse and his wife kicked him out of the house because of that." I blurt out. I don't mean to shock everyone but sometimes these news get too much for me.

"Wow, who needs lokshin bioskop when we have abo Lindsay who do the impossible?" Gcino comments with a chuckle.
"Now I really need to meet this guy and soon." Ndosi says and continues eating. Luckily Kuhle changes the subject and starts telling us about the many mischiefs his brood gets up to. Ndosi's wears a proud smile as he listens to how naughty his grandkids are. He loves kids shame.

After dinner, they are all for the motion of seeing my house, so I lead the way there. When we get to it, I give them a tour. The pensioners are impressed by everything. Futhi falls in love with the bar in between the lounge and dining area. I serve them drinks and after an hour or so, we bid each other farewell. I call Lethi just to check up on him before going to sleep. I have a big day ahead tomorrow.

He Is Also MineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ