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Y/ns pov

Me and seungmin had been to several shops in the mall, two of them being for food and drinks purposes. 

We were now inside of a clothes shop , seungmin wanted to buy some new baggy jeans or something.

I decided to buy a new outfit while we were there , it was quite cool in my opinion

I decided to buy a new outfit while we were there , it was quite cool in my opinion

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But I needed the opinion of kim seungmin himself to verify that for me .

" jagiya~" I called as I came out of the changing room

Seungmin looked up at me from his seat and smiled

" opinions?" I asked

He stood up " perfect, just one thing "

He stepped closer so we were just centimetres away from each other,  he adjusted the jacket then  'fixed' my hair

" jagiya I like it being in my face" I whined

" well, I like it being out of your face. I like looking at it and your hair is just blocking your beauty" he replied , cupping my cheeks "keep it like it .... for me?"

" ugh.... stupid power bottom" I huffed , giving into the adorable boy

" I'm not a bottom" he denied with blushing cheeks

" I beg to differ " I leant close to his ear " baby~"

He went red and pushed my face away causing me to smirk.

" see, bottom " I booped his nose "now you wait here, I'm gonna get changed and pay for these. Unless you wanna come with and watch me get change?~"

Seungmin whined causing a laugh to escape my lips.

" cutie " I smiled  " I love that you just accept all the teasing you get. Such a good boy "

" well I'm not really against it , as long as your not using me as a toy you'll just throw away when you find something more permanent" he looked down

I didn't know what else to do so pulled him into a hug , they always helped me.

" I would never , and I mean NEVER, do that to you jagiya" I informed him

He hugged me back, holding me tightly . He buried his face in my shoulder , he was the perfect height for us to do this and I loved it. I loved him. I don't fall for people quickly like sujin hyung , but seungmin? Seungmin is just different in every way possible.

We stayed in that position for a whole five minutes until seungmin pulled away

" you should go get changed now" he muttered, still looking down.

I gave a concerned look and used my index finger to push up his chin causing us to make eye contact

" what's wrong jagiya?" I inquired

" do you treat everyone like this? I've been in abusive relationship in the past and I'm not ready to be put through that again " he replied straight up

" ....... " I stayed silent whilst thinking of how to respond " a-abusive?" My voice choked out the only word it would allow me to " jagiya are you ok?"

" I'm fine now" he moved my hair, which had fallen back over my eyes , and cupped my cheeks "but I need to know , do you treat everyone you meet like this?"

He gently brushed his thumbs along my cheekbones making me shiver at the nice sensation "no I don't,  I barley fall for anyone.  But you've been on my mind from the minute I laid eyes on you"

His cheeks went a red colour

" really?" He asked

" yes, I would never lie to you. And you dont see me going up to the other members....pinning them to beds and giving them bo--"

He slapped his hand over my mouth

" you can change back into your outfit now"

He shoved me back into the changing room making me laugh

So adorable


Me and seungmin continued to walk through the mall in a comfortable silence while we looked for something to do

We had gone clothes shopping , food shopping ,brought random stuff and essentials,  there wasnt much else.

" I should have a nickname for you " seungmin broke the silence " you've picked up jagiya some how, so I should call you something...... I think, aegi "

" aegi? You're getting confident" I joked

" you dont like it?" He frowned

" i love it jagiya , i was just joking" I ruffled his hair

Suddenly a small child zoomed on past us making seungmin stop and watch as it ran into a toy shop

" Entschuldigung, Entschuldigung (excuse me, excuse me)" a lady ran over to us , I looked to her "Sprichst du Deutsch?(do you speak German) "

" ya" I nodded my head

" Gott sei Dank, hast du irgendwo einen kleinen Jungen in einem blauen Mantel davonlaufen sehen? ( Thank god, did you see a little boy running away in a blue coat somewhere?)" She asked

" Ja, er ist in den Spielzeugladen da drüben gerannt (yeah , he ran into that toy shop over there)" I pointed it out

" Danke (thanks)"

She ran off after the boy

" huh?" Seungmin furrowed his brows

" oh, yeah" I laughed " that little boy we saw was that ladies son "

" no. I mean, how are you fluent in German?"

" I went to a boarding school in highschool and we had to learn six languages to pass any tests " I shrugged " I learned French Spanish Chinese thai English obviously and german "

" wait, where did you learn Japanese? I know you speak it" he asked

" jagiya do you not know?" I asked with a small laugh

" know what?"

" I'm mixed, my dad is Japanese and my mom is korean. I was taught both since birth " I explained

He gave a small nod " sorry"

" dont be " I smiled " I wanna tell you everything about my life and you to tell me everything about yours"

" aww aegi " he cooed, pinching my cheeks " you're so cute"

I could easily have kissed him right there and then , my entire body was craving his touch and affection . But I had to control myself , I couldn't make him uncomfortable.

I stared at his beautiful face with a slight smile

" you're the cute one puppy" I replied making him blush "adorable infact "

He let a giggle escape his perfect lips " dont tease me"

" I'm not, I'm just simply telling the truth jagiya " I took his hands away from my cheeks and held them gently " so I'll say it again , you're the adorable one"

He blushed a baby pink colour once more , his coral lips slowly forming a smile

" thank you , aegi" he replied sheepishly

" you're welcome jagiya" I smiled in response " cmon "

" where are we going?" He asked

" wherever you want" I replied

" can we go back to the hotel now? I wanna c-cuddle" he stuttered on the word cuddle and looked away

" awwww! Of course we can you little cutie " I cooed " to the hotel!!"

kim seungmin x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now