twenty three

512 33 4

Seungmins pov

I woke up, my legs tired and my ass aching but my body warm and comfortable. I felt y/ns arms around my waist and smiled happily, slowly opening my eyes to see him. The morning sun shone in my eyes slightly but it was worth it to watch his handsome face even if it was only for a minute.

" you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna gimme a goodmorning kiss?" He asked, opening one eye then the other

I smiled " goodmorning aegi" I kissed his lips gently

" that's more like it" he smiled back and kissed me once more "goodmorning my love "

He rested his forehead against mine, I shut my eyes once more and hummed " how did you sleep?" He asked

" good" I replied " just, average. No dream no nothing."

" yknow what? I didn't have a dream either " y/n replied "maybe we were just to tired to even come up with one, we had a long day and had no energy by the end of it"

" yeah, but you fucked me so hard it still hurts. We had enough energy for that" I joked

" sorry jagiya" he replied " I can kiss it better" he smirked

" noooo not right now, lemme wake up first" I whined , he laughed " maybe later though, we dont have to be at the parks so early today "

" cant wait" he smiled then pecked my lips " but, I like being like this right now. "

" same " I hummed " your hairs a mess" I chuckled lightly and ran my fingers through it watching as it bounced back into sticking out in all directions

" yours is perfect " he replied "every part of you is perfect "

I blushed at the statement "no, no I'm not"

"Yes, yes you are" he replied, kissing all along my cheeks and nose " so perfect "

My face got redder and redder the more he continued " aegi, stop it I'm flustered "

" I noticed " he chuckled, not stopping " you're to cute for me to stop "

" aegi " I covered my face with my  hands

" hey, no fun" he pulled my hands away then began kissing my lips and whole face quickly " you cant escape that easily"

" I know" I looked in the other direction and continued to blush

" ah, my baby. So adorable" he hummed then pecked the tip of my nose " dont you think? Isnt my  baby boy just the most adorable and perfect thing alive?"

I shook my head rapidly " I'm not perfect " I whined out once more

" stop telling me you arent, you're quite literally the definition of the word." He took my hands in his own " you are the most perfect human being alive, understand? Anyone who says no ones perfect clearly never met you"

" I understand, thank you aegi" I smiled

" there it is , there's my jagiyas beautiful little smile. " his eyes lit up at the sight of my genuine smile " stunning" he kissed the back of my hands " even your hands a pretty " he ran kisses up and down the backs of all my fingers , I hummed gently at the feeling " you like that?"

I nodded my head " feels nice"

He moved from my hands and put his hands beneath my shirt to skitter his fingers along my back "what about that?"

" you know I love this" I replied " but dont, I'm gonna fall asleep again"

" that's my plan, you're adorable when youre asleep. " y/n chuckled

" aegi" I weakly pushed at his arms " I'm already sleepy "

" I know" he cooed " stop fighting it, you can sleep for a while"

" fine" I scooted closer and burrowed my face into his shoulder with a gentle smile on my face, allowing my self to slowly but surely fall back to sleep. Y/n stroking my back gently and whispering gentle re assurances to me all while I did so

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