twenty seven

455 28 3

Y/ns pov

All the days at Disney land were over, now me and seungmin laid around the hotels pool

"Babe, get in the water with me~" I picked seungmin up

"Eek! Baby! People are gonna see my private zones!"

"Jagi, you're wearing shorts. Plus, you've always said you wanna see my muscular body swimming since I told you I was head of the swimming team in high-school~" I teased, seungmin blushed

We got into the water together, it was relatively warm. As we got deeper the more neither of us could touch the ground.

"You can swim properly right?" I asked, not wanting my love to get hurt

"Of course! Who so you think I am? Han and leeknow" he laughed

"I'm so gonna tell minho you just said that, and he'll get jyp on you" I laughed along with him then lifted myself out of the pool and stood at the edge

"Ooh! You gonna dive?" Seungmin clapped his hands and giggled

I nodded then got into position and dived

Seungmins pov

Y/n swam like a professional, he was under water for a whole minute just swimming to the other end of the pool and back to me!

"You're so hot" I mumbled as he wrapped his hands around my waist, even if we were in the deep end his leg strength alone kept us above water

"Only for you honey" he smiled "can I have kiss?~

I rolled my eyes fondly and kissed him "you don't have to ask for kisses, just take them." I smiled

"Dont say that, then I'll never stop kissing you" he smiled back and kissed me again "mine"

"Mhm, all yours" I nodded

"My precious baby boy is to cute for this world" he ran his fingers through my hair "you're beautiful, pretty boy"

I blushed hard

"B-baby....we're in a public swimming pool...don't flirt too much...people will stare" I whined

"Good...they can stare at you, and know they'll never ever have you" he smirked "you're so pretty when you blush"

"And you're so pretty with your hair wet....its not in your face anymore...I never see your whole face" I pecked his forehead

"That's cus I don't like it"

"You should, you are so handsome"

Y/n looked around for any kids "hold your breath" he smiled and dipped us under water, then pressed his lips into mine keeping it long and passionate before we came back up to the surface gasping for air "was it magical?~"

"All of your kisses are magical" I mumbled then pushed him back under again for another kiss

As we came back up y/n smirked "we might have to go back to the room if you don't behave yourself pretty boy~"

"I-I'll behave..." I blushed so hard

Y/n smirked and snickered then ruffled my wet hair "you really are brown haired, puppy eyed, flawless cutie...." he kissed all over my face and giggled "I love you so much"

"I love you too...Im so happy your parents like me.." I smiled

"If they didn't, they wouldn't be allowed to call me their son anymore. I love you more than anything in the world...and I will feel the same about our future kids" he smiled,  I went bright red "you're so cute..."

"Okay, okay hush now don't make me more red!" I giggled "let's go back to the room, I want cuddles and its getting too hot"

"Is that because of me~" he teased

"No! Well....maybe, just follow me pleeeaaassseeee" I pouted

"Alright, okay I'm coming with baby boy" he smiled and picked me up

He carried me to the room, where we dried ourselves off , hopped in the shower then cuddled up in bed for the perfect day of watching TV while I sat in y/ns lap and eating snacks together. It wasn't good for our idol diets....but fuck I love him so much I didn't even care anymore

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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