Happy Birthday! (Bonus Chapter)

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*We zoom in and see Bismarck walking around the base as she was expecting anyone to greet her "Happy Birthday" since its February 14 and Valentines*

Bismarck: Why is everyone keep greeting me "Happy Valentines Day" when it's my birthday?

*She asks in her mind as she keeps walking she saw the Spetsnaz Team (Including the 6 new members)*

*She saw Y/n talking to them while their guns is on their waist (Their guns have clips to hang it on their vests). She just kept walking as she tried ignoring them. But due to Y/n's high alert, he was Bismarck in a sad expression*

Y/n: Hey! Lord Bismarck! *You shouts as you wave your hand but Bismarck only ignores it and starts speeding up on her walk as she slowly cries*

Y/n: What the f#£&? *You said in confusion as Bismarck slowly disappeared on your sight* Whats wrong with Bismarck?

Natasha: I don't know... maybe you didn't gave her some Valentines Gift~ *she said as the whole group chuckles while M4A1 and Y/n stares at her in unimpressed expression*

M4A1: Really? You've got to be kidding me... *she said as she facepalms in disappointment*

Y/n: You can't be this serious... just because I heard you moaning in your room, that doesn't mean I can use that as a weapon... *You said as the group looked at you in shock and disbelief*

Amiya: Oh~ someone is masturba- *Gets cut off as Natasha puts her hand on Amiya's mouth*

Natasha: Says the one who did the same while holding a picture of Y/n! *She saids as everyone gasps*

*Amiya and Natasha starts to fight as the others stopped them, Then Fubuki spoke*

Fubuki: Whoa woah woah! Stop fighting guys! it doesn't have to be like this! *she said as she stops Natasha*

Natasha: Says the one who had a dil£# and a vibrator on your closet! *she shouts as everyone gasps again*

Y/n: O_O

M4A1: Jesus Chris... *She said as she holds Amiya*

Hana: What is going on?!

Yani: Uwah!!! *She screams as she holds Fubuki who had a knife and was about to stab Natasha*

Violet: Im just gonna go- *M4A1 grabs her collar*

M4A1: Your not leaving us in the middle of a fight here!

Spectre: I wasn't expecting this situation to be like this...

Amiya: HAH!!! Spectre also has a Vibrator!

Shiemea: *Stays silent as she holds Spectre who had a Demon Axe while approaching Amiya*

Kristine: What the hell is going on?!?!

Y/n: *Slowly backs away as one by one they all said their Night routine on eachother when Y/n is busy*

(Timeskips brought you by: Y/n in tears as he saw his family who died on a artillery strike 13 years ago when his 6 years old on his dreams)

Time: 23:12PM

*Late at night we can see Y/n and M4A1 covering their ears with pillows as the others are fighting for "Whoever wins the pillow fight will get to sleep with Y/n" but it gets worse, they are using Tanks, Guns, Missiles, Bombs, Planes, and many more weapons*

*Y/n and M4A1 starts to get annoyed as they both looked at eachother as their both minds have the same idea*

*Y/n and M4A1 starts to do the plan... "Make them shut the f### up and jealous". M4A1 lays on Y/n's chest as Y/n hugs her and the kisses her forehead (Note: M4A1 still hates Y/n but trust me... she will become a Yandere and take Y/n's 2nd experience having s##) M4A1 blush a little since she didn't plan on that kiss, M4A1 hugs Y/n back as both of them starts to irritate, jealous, and mad the 10 girls*

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