13: Izzy - Cheeks are burning

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Izzy hitched her skirt up, stretching her legs out beneath the morning sun. Tanning wasn't permitted at school, but she figured the payoff was worth the risk of a prefect's wrath. At ten-thirty, the bell for recess would go, and they could head to the cafeteria for snacks. Something about study break had made her hungry.

Em had persuaded her to hang outside Dom's biology class to introduce them. She'd done nothing but talk about him non-stop since they'd got together, and it was starting to get on Izzy's nerves. She'd only agreed out of loyalty to Em, though in truth, she was a little nervous to talk to Dom after all these years and would have preferred to be back in the common room studying for a test. Morosely, she watched as Em plucked at blades of grass.

'I can't wait for you to meet him,' Em said. 'We've been dating for weeks. It feels like you're avoiding him.'

Izzy pulled her fingers through her hair; strand by strand, she studiously scoped the strands for tiny split ends. 'We've met before. I told you that'.

'He doesn't remember you,' Em replied.

Izzy picked impatiently at the little broken pieces of hair.

'So he says...' she responded.

Izzy found it odd that Dom had not admitted knowing her to Em but then again, she'd done the same thing.

Em let it slide. 'You're gonna love him.' She assured Izzy, flicking a handful of grass at her. 'Not too much, I hope!'

'You're crazy, girl, I swear.'

The sound of the school bell sent pupils trooping out of their classrooms into the courtyard. Recess was always a mad rush, with only thirty minutes before class started again; students ran everywhere, and the air filled with shouts and laughter.

It had been so relaxing, sitting out in the sun chatting mindlessly with Em in study break-now this chaos. Izzy wished she didn't have a class for the rest of the day.

'There he is,' said Em, 'he's coming over.'

'We are sitting right outside his class,' Izzy responded bluntly. Dropping her eyes, she focused her gaze on her bare legs; warily, she cast her nails over the smooth skin on her shins.

Dom bounded up to them, his long legs supple and full of energy. Izzy tipped her head towards the sun to look at him. He appeared much as she remembered, tall, tanned, and muscular, with an expression that sat somewhere between amused and perplexed. His midnight blue eyes scanned her.

Em gleamed at him. 'Hi, babe! What's up?'

Dom dropped his school bag on the grass beside her nonchalantly. 'Em... you waited for me...' he said, leaning to peck her cheek.

'Of course... I wanted to see you,' Em responded, her eyes glistening flirtatiously. 'Dominic Hunter, this is Isabella Storm-my best friend and partner in crime. I thought you two should meet.'

Dom gave a quick wave at Izzy, who was now paying unusual interest in the hem of her skirt. She could feel his eyes on her, but she kept her gaze averted.

'Heard a lot about you,' she said eventually, her cheeks burning.

'Good? I hope...' responded Dom.

Izzy tilted her head towards him, grinning 'Mmm...mixed reviews...'.

Dom laughed. 'Well, it's good to meet you, Isabella. Can I call you Izzy?'

'Spose so,' said Izzy, 'Everyone does.'

And so, he maintains the pretense he doesn't know me.

'He's just Dom, or Sac, ...whatever...' said Em, referring to Dom's nickname, which she knew that Izzy already knew.

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