61: Izzy - Em leaves everyone in the lurch

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Izzy returned to Cole and tried to put what had just happened out of her mind. She had so wanted this evening to go well for all of them; it was their last high school memory. To see Em in tears made her mad at Dom. Cole led her to the dance floor and let her vent for a moment. It seemed like the entire Year 12 student body was crammed tightly onto the floor, forcing them to huddle close together.

'Don't let it ruin your night, eh? This had to happen. It's the closure they need.' Cole said, holding Izzy. 'Em will be okay. She's got a lot to look forward to. She'll get over this and move on. You'll see.'

Tal and Tommo were next to them on the dance floor. They'd somehow managed to miss all the drama.

'We'll be heading to Em's in twenty minutes;' Tal said, 'Are you guys ready?'

'Uh, I don't think that's gonna happen,' Izzy said.

Tal looked surprised. 'What's going on?'

'Dom's stuffed up; he's upset Em and she's going home. Without us. She called off afters.'

'Damn,' said Cole. 'We're gonna need a new plan.'

'You're a sensitive one,' Tal said grinning.

'Sorry, my bad. Just trying to be practical. We need somewhere to go tonight. This place is going to close at eleven and besides we can't drink here.' Cole said.

'Is Em alright?' Tal asked.

Izzy shook her head. 'She wouldn't talk to me. She said she just wanted to go home. She was pretty nasty to be honest.'

Tal made a downward smile. 'You know Em, she'll get over it. She's just pissed off right now.'

Suddenly Cole's face lit up. 'We could always go to Coogee...'

'To the beach?' said Tal skeptically.

Out of the blue, Cole spun Izzy into the middle of the dance floor taking her by surprise and putting a smile back on her face.

'Yeah,' he said laughing. 'We could see the night out under the stars. Watch the sunrise?'

He rolled Izzy back in. 'Thoughts? Iz?'

Izzy laughed out loud. 'Yeah, I'm down for that,' she said. 'If it means we can get off this dance floor!'

Tal still didn't look convinced.

'C'mon Tal, it could be fun.' Cole persuaded.

Call it peer pressure but Tal soon gave in and offered to organise Uber's for everyone.

At that moment, the DJ cranked In da club by 50 Cent and Tommo, said 'No you don't girl, you're staying right here!' He looked at Cole: 'Since this is your crazy idea, you can organize the Ubers.'

Cole laughed. 'On it!'

'I'll check on Dom and see if he wants to join us', Izzy said, turning to leave the dance floor.

As Izzy drew close to the car park, she saw Dom step aside from a moving vehicle. Em was sitting in the front seat, her gaze fixed forward. She didn't seem to notice Izzy's frantic waving.

Dom turned around. He walked toward Izzy with his head down. 'She's upset at me,' he said.

Izzy exhaled audibly. 'This is a big night. Em's been planning it forever.' Izzy said harshly. 'You couldn't just be kind for once in your life?'

'That's unfair.' Dom said. He climbed the stairs and stopped when he was at eye level with Izzy.

'Is it?' Izzy responded, sarcastically.

'Iz, listen to me. This is important. Hear me out!' Dom said. 'We can't live our lives for other people. Especially not now that school's over.'

'It's not about that though Dom. Em's important to me. This is our formal and you've ruined it for her.'

Dom rubbed his temple.

Through the corner of her eye, Izzy noticed Cole walking toward them. He paused when he saw the two of them talking.

Dom took Izzy by the hand. 'I care about Em too Iz but she wants something from me that I can't give her.'

Izzy weaved her fingers with Dom's. She no longer cared if Cole or anyone else saw them. She was upset with Dom but she was also exhausted with fighting her feelings.

'We agreed to go to the formal as friends,' she said. 'Em will remember this night forever. I wanted her to be happy.'

Dom squeezed her fingers. 'At what cost is Em's happiness to us though Iz?' he said. 'You're always thinking about other people. It can't come to any good. Em's her own person. And we both know she has no problem putting herself first.'

Izzy pulled her hand back. 'I know that but I'm still mad at you.'

'I get that Iz and I'm sorry,' he said, 'but where does this leave us?'

Izzy took a step back up the stairs, glancing over her shoulder. 'Well right now, I'm at the formal with Cole. This doesn't change that.' Izzy responded. 'He's waiting for me. We're going to Coogee with Tal and some others.'

On cue, Cole stepped out into the light, a little too abruptly, startling Dom who hadn't noticed him. 'You ready Iz? Uber's here.'

'Are you serious?' Dom said, stepping backwards abruptly and missing a step. He toppled and regained his balance.

Izzy laughed. 'Didn't see him there?'

Dom clutched his chest in jest. 'Have you been stalking us mate?'

Cole blushed. 'Sorry, didn't mean to scare you but we're heading off....'

'I'm ready,' Izzy said.

'You should come if you like?' Cole looked to Dom. 'I'm sure everyone would want you to.'

Dom seemed uncertain. He inclined his head toward Izzy.

'C'mon,' she smiled, pulling his hand. 'The night is young. Let's go be dirtbags ....'

Dom laughed. 'Fuck it. Let's do it!'

Cole led the way to their Uber. He paused on the pathway and shook Dom by the shoulders. 'You're a moron! We could have partied the night away with celebrities and free champagne at Em's party if it wasn't for you!'

Dom laughed. 'Oh well, now we're gonna freeze our tits off at the beach, thanks to you! Good choice buddy. Good choice.'

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