56: Izzy - Finally talking

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Through a dusty classroom window Izzy watched Dom lean nonchalantly against a jacaranda tree. Her stomach twisted. Though she'd never admit it aloud, he was still in her thoughts every day.

Dom glanced up and caught her eye, as if she'd willed it. It'd been ages since she'd spoken to him, but she gave a small wave. They'd have to try to be friends at some point, after all. Dom smiled back. To her surprise, he seemed to be gesturing at her.

It couldn't be. Is he waiting for me?

Izzy wondered what Dom could possibly want with her. She wasn't sure she wanted to know. Lately, she'd started to feel okay about things again, like she'd have a future, even if it didn't involve him. When the lesson ended, Izzy hung back. She didn't want anyone noticing Dom was there to see her. She paused at the doorway and waited for him to come to her.

Dom stepped towards her. 'Hey, you!' he said, sounding cheery.

'Hey yourself. What's up with you?' Izzy tried to keep any anxiety out of her voice. 'I never see you these days.'

Dom shrugged. 'Exams, I guess. It's intense.'

'How are you?' she asked. 'How's the study going?'

'Alright, I guess,' he replied. 'Most days, it sucks. But what the hell, you know how it goes.'

Izzy smiled in sympathy. She didn't love exams herself, and she knew the HSC couldn't be easy on him. There was a lot of pressure on pupils at Watford in their final year, and he had the added weight of his parent's high expectations.

'It's good to see you,' she said evenly. Since that night at Abscond, there was always a slight reserve between them.

'You too,' he responded. 'It's been too long.'

Izzy thought she detected a note of nerves in his voice. She was intrigued. He'd never been nervous around her before. They fell into step with one another, following the throng of kids headed for the dining hall.

On the pathway ahead of them, Tal quit chatting for a moment and glanced back looking for Izzy. When she spotted her with Dom, she furrowed her brow and lifted her hands, questioning.

Izzy shook her head in response. Tal should know not to read too much into anything by now. She and Dom were always something and yet never quite anything. Tal shrugged and moved ahead.

Izzy turned to Dom and asked pointedly. 'So, what are you doing here?'

'Can I walk you to the cafeteria?' Dom asked. 'I need to ask you something...'

'Sure,' she responded. 'We're walking...'

'The thing is....' Dom paused and slowed his pace.

'Don't be cagey, Dom; what's on your mind?'

Izzy said firmly though careful not to sound unkind. He looked so nervous.

'So, the thing is, today Cole asked me if I would mind if he asked you to the formal.'

'Ahh...' Izzy managed.

'He kind of knows about how things went down with us.' Dom explained.

There's an us!

Izzy hadn't been expecting this conversation. She and Cole had hinted at going to the formal with each other—as friends. Besides, she'd assumed Dom would take Em to the formal. They were still friends and given they'd dated most of the senior year; people expected to see them together.

'Why are you telling me this, Dom?' she asked.

'Well because ...Iz, I do mind,' Dom said hastily. 'I want to go with you, and I've wanted to ask you for the longest time, but I wasn't sure you'd say yes.'

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