35: Izzy - Temptation's strong

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Seeing Dom up so close and hearing him beg, caught Izzy off guard. She was used to him teasing her, joking around, but this personal attention was so disarming!

Were those butterflies in her stomach?

He was inches away from her, his gorgeous lips within touching distance, his breath on her face, his blue eyes, searching hers. Her mind crashed through a thousand scenarios in what seemed like a second. She could walk away now, and everything would be fine. No one gets hurt. But then Dom smiled at her. A warm, intimate, sexy smile, meant only for her. Suddenly, there was no more thinking. Without care for anyone or anything, Izzy reached up and put her hands behind Dom's neck. She smiled back at him and her cheeks her dimpled.

A second passed and then his soft lips pressed on hers. She opened her mouth slightly, and they kissed-a gentle, warm, exploratory kiss with a slight flicker of tongue. Then deeper, more urgently, they kissed.

They stayed locked in their kiss for what felt like an eternity, focused only on each other, oblivious to the world around them, tasting each other.

Dom slipped his arms under Izzy's blouse. Only when he tried subtly to touch her breast did she pull back, taking a small step to the side, away from him.

'Don't go, gorgeous, come back here,' Dom said with conciliation. 'I won't do that again. I promise.'

Izzy leaned back into him. They kissed again, a long, luxurious kiss, each of them savouring the moment and each other. This intimacy between them was so new and excruciatingly exciting.

This time it was Dom who pulled away from her lips. He gently lay soft kisses on her neck, and slowly he moved towards her ear.

'God, I want you,' he whispered. 'Please, Izzy, come home with me? Cole's parents are away. We have the house to ourselves.'

Izzy pulled away again. Suddenly she was alert to the moment; her face changed. She seemed saddened but resolved.

Being with Dom was amazing, but oh God, so wrong!

'Dom, we can't. You know we can't.'

'Yes, we can, Iz' he persuaded. 'It'll be so good, I promise. You'll see. I can drive you home later if you like, no one will even know, we'll deal tomorrow. It'll just be our night.'

Dom held her close, he tilted her head to look into her eyes. In a different tone, tender almost, he said: 'I know it would be your first time. Iz, I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you. I only want to make you feel good.'

Izzy had never been more tempted in her life. Here was a beautiful guy that surprisingly, she realised, she really liked, offering her a chance to experience something super special. He was right, no one needed to know.

But then again, she'd know, and Izzy wasn't sure she could live with that. No, she was certain, she couldn't.

'It's not that, Dom,' she explained apologetically. 'I wish it was, trust me. It's just, I can't. Em ...I've already done enough. What we're doing will hurt her. I can't even tell you how badly.'

Izzy dropped her voice and spoke softly into his chest while he cradled her head in his hands. 'I'm a shitty friend. I don't like myself much right now. I just can't seem to walk away.'

Dom tilted her chin up and placed his hand on her neck, cradling her head. 'Don't walk away then. I'm right here.'

She smiled, and he pulled her towards him and kissed her again, a gentle kiss.

She laughed. 'Not helping!'

'I'm a shitty friend too,' he said. 'No, correct that, I'm a shitty boyfriend. That's got to be worse.'

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