Hugs & Kisses

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Aria Pov

I was literally shivering, I was completely soaked in rain and my clothes stuck to skin. It felt so uncomfortable. The whole ride I was uncomfortable, the heater only helped a little bit. The weather wasn't improving. I asked him to drop me to my house but this man never listens. I sort of felt embarrassed also because I was sitting beside him in his car totally wet. Wet in the sense, my clothes. Anyways once we reached his home he immediately got down first and opened the door for me and helped me out. And his house, you can't even call that a house it's a freaking mansion ! The entrance had a huge flower arrangement and other small trees and plants here and there. The windows were huge and the house looked so unreal in the rain.

I got inside once Ezekiel unlocked the door and the the interior of the house didn't fail to impress me either. It was even more beautiful. The furniture alone must have costed millions forget about the house and the land but you know it's natural for him. He owns so many companies and he's the mafia head after all. Anyways who cares ? My main focus was me because I was so damn cold !

He wrapped a towel around me and hurried up to his room to prepare me a hot bath. The towel smelled so good. After I was done taking a nice hot bath my muscles instantly relaxed and I felt much better. I saw his clothes on the bed and I shyly put them on. I blushed I don't know why and the clothes were so comfortable and soft but when I looked at myself in the mirror...the tracks were too long for me. I heard someone chuckle and it was Ezekiel obviously, he came and rolled up the fabric at the hem and made it comfortable enough for me to walk.

We went down. He handed me some tea and brought me a bowl of freshly prepared soup. Vegetable soup. It's not that I hate all kinds of vegetables, I like some but this soup didn't have even one that I liked except for potatoes. Just whyyyy ?! He somehow convinced me to have a bit and ended up feeding me the whole thing. He then had some himself.

" You done ?" I asked him.

" Yes yes." He said rinsing the bowls. He came and sat beside me.

" Hmmmm so tell me what you want to do ?" He put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to his chest while his other hand touched my forehead, examining my temperature.
" You fever is gone." He smiled.

" Yeah." I whispered.

" Do you want to watch a movie ? "

" We could just talk."

" Even better." I rested my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat. It was so soothing. I loved how he smelled.

" Love" he called out softly. I looked up at him. " Can I ask you something ?"

" Sure."

" What would you do if something happened to me. ?" I suddenly felt tensed.

" All I know is that I can't loose anyone else now. I only have you and my friends. I don't think I'll be able to handle if anything happens to any of y'all." He was listening carefully. " I'd rather die..."

" Shhsshhh" he covered my mouth with his hand. " Don't say something like that ever again. Don't even think of it. "

" It sounds harsh but I guess that's the reality. "

" If you can't lose me than even I can't lose you love. I promise I'll protect you no matter what." He caressed my cheek.

" Ok. " I said not sure of what to say.

" Ok it's my fault. I'm an idiot....I shouldn't have asked something so emotional. Let's talk about something else shall we ?"

" Yes please. "

" Ok so what did you think of me when you first saw me ?"

" To be honest I was very because if you remember I fell down because of you and spilled my tea so I was very angry then when you turned around...."

" Then ?"

" Then I was sort of amazed and surprised because you looked shocked too I don't know why. And I just kept thinking about you and then we met the same day during the inauguration ceremony. " I shrugged.

" You why I was shocked ?" I shook my head as a no,. " Because when you scolded me I was super pissed because I hope you know that I don't take shit from anyone. I was about to pull out my gun but when I saw you then something happened here. " He said pointing to his heart. I blushed.

" That moment I was so amazed by you that I kind of froze and I knew that moment that your mine. Only mine."

" And what if I had not agreed to your proposal or if I loved someone else ? " I asked. His eyes darkened.

" Then I would have either burried that person alive or I would have killed myself. Yes actually I would have killed myself because I couldn't afford to make you sad." I was at a loss of words. This man is insane. Insane for me.

" You know Aria the way I am with you it's impossible for people to even imagine me being like that. It's totally unlike me not that I'm complaining but I don't know why but when I'm with you I go back to my old self. They way I was when I was a child, wanting affection and love and showing my feelings and emotions freely to people but after my parents died that part of me died and I wasn't expecting or wanting it to come back soon. "

" Then why are you different with me ?"

" Because I'm so fucking weak when it comes to you. " My eyes were starting to glisten. This was no ordinary man, he was known for being harsh and cold and God knows what and here he is pouring his heart out to me. An ordinary girl without parents or family.

" Your my everything. " He said and I know he meant it. Unknowingly my hand reached out and I placed it on his cheek. He instantly leaned into my touch and I caressed his cheek.

" Promise me you'll never leave me alone." His voice sounded a little broken. My heart clenched.

" I promise. " I whispered.

He slowly leaned in and his soft lips ravished my own and I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach. The kiss started slow but as it proceeded I circled my hands around his neck and brought him closer while he kept kissing me.

His hands tightened around my waist, desperately wanting me to be closer. He pulled me up on his lap and deepened the kiss as he tilted our heads together. The way he was holding me, his touch acknowledged his want for me. We slowly pulled away since we were both out of breath. He hugged me and I rested my head on the crook of his neck.

" I love you Aria. " He placed a small kiss on my head and then rested his head on mine.

" I love you too Ezekiel. " I said and closed my eyes inhaling his scent and enjoying his comfort.

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