chapter three

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Even three days later, the bruises were faint, but they were there. Not as much on my chin, but you could clearly see where he'd grabbed me on my neck. A faint purple ring dragged across my entire neck, almost like a ghostly choker.

It's fine, a voice in my head tells me. Some pancake makeup and no one will be able to see anything.

But it didn't work. Even with what felt like pounds of makeup on, the bruise on my neck marked me as Aaron's.

I picked up the phone.

I didn't want to. I really, really didn't want to.

But I had to.

"Brie?" I said through the phone.

"Lux!" Her voice is cheerful on the other side. "We're still on for nine o'clock at the Harbor, right?"

"Yeah, that's actually what I'm calling about." I bite my lip. "I don't think I can come. I'm sick."

"Oh, Lux, please don't tell me you're playing the classic Mean Girls line right now."

"I'm not, I swear. I actually feel sick. Plus, the hurricane is supposed to hit tonight. What are they calling it again? Agatha?"

"Yeah," she says through the phone. "Agatha."

There's an awkward pause for a few moments.

"Do you want me to come over? I can skip the party at the Harbor tonight."

"No, it's okay," I say. "Don't let me ruin your fun. But maybe you should just skip the party altogether. I don't want you to be out partying the night of a hurricane. This one is supposed to be bad, too."

"Well..." I can hear Brie breathing through the phone. "I'm all dressed, but I guess you're right."

"I'm always right," I joke.

Brie snorts. "In all seriousness, though, are you sure you don't want me to come over? Your parents aren't even in town."

"Brie, it's fine. They've been out of Outer Banks for much longer than this. No one's going to come kidnap me the night of a hurricane, either. Plus, if I hypothetically needed anything, Michael and Sarah are both just down the street."

"Fine," she says. "Whatever you want. But you're not scared of the boogeyman showing up at your door, right?"

"No, I'm not, Brie." I laugh. "But whatever you want to think, I suppose."


Relieved that no one will see the bruises today, I spend the rest of the night watching movies. All the classics.

But my mind won't stop thinking about Aaron and the stupid bruises. I know I can't hide them forever. Someone will find out at one point— and soon. And when they'll ask me where I got them from, I'll have to confess that it was Aaron.

I don't want him to suffer. To have to go to court and then a trial. Not because of one mistake— one bout of rage. Because there is a small, small crevice of my heart that still wants him to be okay.

He's not a bad person. That day at the Club was just a mistake.

A clap of thunder jolts me back to the present. Elle Wood plays on my large TV screen. I stare outside, watching the raindrops pelt onto my windows as streaks of lightning illuminate the sky. Then, I wait for its counterpart— thunder, to clap and boom through the sky.

I can't do this all night, it's becoming more and more evident. I almost wish I told Brie to come here and stay over with me.

A knock on the door.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now