chapter twenty five

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authors note

please answer the question at the bottom of the chapter— i have a feeling you guys might want to 😉. anyways, enjoy!


I sit quietly in my room, staring at the lavender dress hanging in my closet. It's been three days, and I've done absolutely nothing, mostly just stared at the ceiling and read snippets of books to try and distract myself from what is unfolding in front of me.

Today is Midsummers. I feel like I'm going to explode.

My phone buzzes, interrupting my thoughts. It's a message from Brie, on our group-chat with Dior and me: "LUXIEEE!!! When are you ready for us to come over!?"

I raise my eyebrows. I completely forgot about Brie and Dior coming over before Midsummers. We do it every year, and yet I completely forgot. Where is my mind?

I hesitate before replying, my fingers dancing over the phone. "Yes! Come over in an hour, please!"


An hour later, Brie and Dior burst into my room like a tornado of energy. Brie clutches a bag of food and Dior carries what seems like an entire suitcase of makeup and dresses.

"Luxie!" Brie squeals, tossing herself onto my bed next to me. "Happy Midsummers!"

Dior follows suit, leaving the alarmingly huge makeup bag on my vanity. "Happy Midsummers, Lux!" She opens the bag of food, immediately pulling out cans of White Claw and some other finger food. "Show me your dress! You've been so mysterious and secret about it that I've been dying to see it since you went out shopping."

"Alright, fine," I say, my stress slowly dissipating as a smile grows on my face. This is the reason I love these two girls. The minute I'm with them, the rest of my problems seem to fade away. Whenever I'm with them— for just a small moment of time, I can talk about everything and anything, without the fear of judgement. I stand up, heading to my closet where the lavender dress hangs. The moment I pull it out, Brie and Dior gasp in unison.

"Oh my God, Luxie, that is stunning!" Brie exclaims.

Dior nods enthusiastically in agreement. "Let me guess. Your Mom picked it?"

I bite my lower lip softly, holding back my growing smile. "No, um, actually, Rafe picked it."

They gasp even louder than the first time and I can't hold back a laugh. "Rafe picked that!?" Brie exclaims. "Rafe is classy, but...I didn't think he'd choose something this good." She lifts the fabric of the dress and fondles it gently. 

"You're going to turn heads tonight for sure."

I smile. "Thanks, guys. Now, spill. What are you wearing? I wish we could've gone shopping together, but you know my Mom, and how badly she wanted me to go with Rafe."

Brie grins mischievously. "As if we'd be upset that you went with Rafe and not us. You know we want you together so badly."

"Oh please," I say, snorting. "You know damn well you just want us to have sex and hear all the details of how Rafe Cameron is in bed."

"Could you blame me?"

Dior and I cackle.

Just as we're talking about Rafe, my mom pops in, a concerned look on her face. "Is everything going well, girls?"

"Mom!" I exclaim, pink in the face. Did she hear what I just said?

Brie waves a hand dismissively. "Perfectly, Davina. Lux is going to be the belle of the ball tonight!"

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz