chapter twenty one

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I let out a soft but shaky sigh of worry. I'd been waiting for this day since the beginning of summer. My gown— as delicate and lush as it was, felt like it was trying to strangle me and swallow me whole. It was strapless and made with a luxiourious silky satin. It was a shattering shade of crimson— Harvard's signature color.

Despite the anxiety bubbling within me, I squared my shoulders and made my way downstairs. The grand foyer of my family's estate was abuzz with activity. Waitstaff bustled about, finalizing last-minute preparations, and several guests in their elegant attire mingled with flutes of champagne in hand.

My parents had flown back to help me organize the entire gala. I'd told them at first that I would be able to handle the entire thing on my own, but now that the day had finally come, I was more than relieved that they were here. They always did I good job mingling with guests, which was something I would be more than capable of doing on a regular basis.

But today was different. Today wasn't about mingling; today was a critical day in securing my place at Harvard. This event was both a showcase of my commitment and an opportunity to impress the guests and donors who I'd hosted today. Every conversation, every smile, every handshake was strategically aimed at demonstrating who I was: not just a sappy Kook who was lucky to be born on Figure Eight and not The Cut. The pressure weighed on me like the heavy satin of my dress.

In the midst of everything, Rafe was the furthest thing from my mind. I couldn't afford distractions tonight. At least, that's what I told myself. And that's what I believed until his family walked through the door. Until he walked through the door.

The minute I saw Rose walk through the door, an involuntary shiver ran down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel an uneasy mix of anticipation and apprehension. I didn't even wait to catch a glimpse of him, I just swiftly snaked my way through the crowd, doing my best to put as much distance as possible between us. But it was as if I could feel his presence like a magnetic force, pulling me in a direction I didn't want to go.


The evening unfolded in a whirl of socializing, polite smiles, and nervous laughter. I played my part as the gracious host, introducing myself to potential donors and engaging in conversations about the importance of the whole gala. Everything was going smoothly, at least until I spotted him for the first time.

Rafe Cameron was a force of nature. He wore a perfectly tailored suit that accentuated his face, his body, his everything. It added an air of sophistication to his usual rugged charm. It was clear that he hadn't lost his ability to command attention effortlessly.

As much as I tried to focus on my role and the cause I was supporting, my eyes kept drifting back to him. It was infuriating how effortlessly he blended into the crowd, exuding charisma and confidence like it was second nature. He was a natural at this game of high society.

My eyes flickered to his again, but I immediately looked away when we locked eyes. All of a sudden I was acutely aware of his presence. I could feel his gaze on me from the corner of the room and a shiver crept up my spine. Every time our eyes met, it was like a silent exchange of words and emotions that we both refused to acknowledge.

The tension in the air was palpable. I couldn't even understand why he was here. He could have easily chosen to skip the gala. He could've lied, said he was sick, or that he was busy studying. He could have opted out, so he didn't have to see me.

But yet, he came. It was as if he was deliberately trying to unsettle me, to remind me that he still had the power to affect me, and he knew it.

"Miss Vandenburg!" A voice said behind me. It was a familiar one, too.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now