chapter nine

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I felt like someone was throwing a sledgehammer at my head, over and over. I don't even remember how I got home last night, but I'm guessing Rafe tossed me in his backseat and drove me home. Now that I think about it, I do vaguely remember arguing with him, refusing to leave the party— like a feisty toddler.

Then, he most likely fished my keys out of my purse, and somehow got me into my house and fast asleep on my couch.

Then, he left. Classic Cameron, always doing the bare minimum. But I'm grateful for what he did anyway. Then again, if he left me to rot at the party, it wouldn't look like a very "boyfriend" thing to do, would it?

I first made my way to my room where I changed out of my shorts and halter neck top, which was becoming increasingly tight and uncomfortable by the second. Instead, I grabbed a pair of linen shorts and a large I EAT MORNING PEOPLE shirt that happened to be washed, and tossed it over my head.

I notice the empty box of donuts lying on my kitchen table, and the guilt hit me hard. I had been trying to watch what I ate lately, but last night was clearly a write-off.

I stared at the waves and sun, just above the horizon. Despite feeling like crap, I knew the only thing that would make me feel better was a good surf. Just like old times. OBX always had the best waves, and there was nothing like the rush of catching a good one. So I tossed my I EAT MORNING PEOPLE shirt off my head this time, pulled on my wetsuit, grabbed my board, and headed out to the beach.

The beach couldn't be more than a six minute walk from my palace. Although we'd originally had a house deeper into the course of Figure Eight, my parents decided to move when they began to see my love for the sea blossom. As an additional plus, all my friends— Michael, Dior, Sarah, and Rafe— at the time, lived nearby.

The sun is just rising over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the waves and whatever else it falls on. I feel a rush of excitement as I run into the water, feeling the cool, saline ocean water spray on my face. I paddle out past the break and sit on my board, waiting for the perfect wave.

As I wait, I can feel the donuts churning in my stomach. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. But I push the thought aside and focus on the waves, feeling the rush of adrenaline as I catch a big one and ride it all the way to the shore.

For the next half an hour, I ride waves and paddle back out after. I can slowly feel the hangover starting to lift and weaken. Even my spirits are lifting. The cool ocean washed away the last of my hangover— the perfect antidote. Maybe this was exactly what I needed to clear my head. I smile to myself.

Just as I am about to exit the water, I see another figure entering the water through the corner of my eye. As I paddle back out to shore, I turn over, curiosity filling me.


"Is that you, Lux?" He screams.


A sudden burst of adrenaline hits me as I begin to push myself furiously to the shoreline. I need to get out of here. Quick, because if not, he might get to me quicker.

As soon as my feet reach the sand, I take off. My original idea of pretending to not notice him is clearly out of the bag. He knows I've seen him, and he knows I am running from him.

I feel like a coward. To act like this— to be scared of him. But the truth is, I am scared of him. And there's no point pretending that I'm not, because he and I both know damn well I am.

He hit me. Multiple times.

I run in the opposite direction of him. I can't even blame myself today. I always come to the beach early in the morning, especially after a nasty hangover. But it's like the universe is trying to get Aaron and I together as much as possible, almost like the universe is on his side.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now