Chapter 2: Moving Wall

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Abigail's POV

I looked around my surroundings with my mouth and eyes wide open. I was baffled as to what I was seeing.

"Umm...wh-where are we?" I asked scanning everywhere bewildered.

"Welcome home Young lady, this is where you will be staying," he said, smiling genuinely.

H-home? Is this really where I'll be staying? Just how much money does this man have?

What was in front of me didn't look like an ordinary house. I have only seen this kind of house in TV shows. You know the kind they show in movies where billionaires live, that's what my eyes are seeing.

He stopped at the front of a metal door and pressed something on the wall and after some seconds, the door opened. I was speechless for a moment. An elevator? In a house like this? I get that the house is huge and everything else, but it was just like a 3-story mansion. Was an elevator really necessary?

"This is your room," The old man said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Here I was, going to meet my unknown husband. My body was tense, my palms wet, and shaky.

"The young master wants me to let you know that he will be back really late, so don't wait for him," he said as I was about to open the door. My nerves relaxed a little after hearing that.

The room was really different from the living room. This room looked warm and spacious. It is even bigger than my entire house. I walked around the room and observed it.

After I unpacked my things and arranged them, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"This stupid thing! Why won't you just work?" I whisper-yelled, frustrated that the shower wouldn't turn on after several trials.

Just wasted 30min trying to open one tap. They should have just used a tap that was easier to open.

After freshening up, I went to bed. The bed was so warm and cozy; I had never slept in a bed this comfortable, and it also smelled nice. I was thinking of what this new life awaited me when I drifted off to sleep.

At about 2 am, I was feeling pressed and got up to use the bathroom. My eyes were still very much closed as I was still sleepy, so I bumped into a wall. I was so tired and sleepy, so I decided to rest my head a little before continuing my journey to the bathroom.

I thought I was imagining things, but the wall smelt like the bed and it was moving. I placed my hands on the wall to stop it from moving only then I realized that the wall didn't feel like a wall. I detached myself from the wall by taking two steps back and then opened my eyes.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, frightened by what or rather who was in front of me. I slowly looked up only to meet the gaze of the most handsome-looking man I'd ever seen.

I felt my ears starting to heat up. The sleep cleared my face. But I stopped for a second to think about what a man was doing in my house, and only then I remembered that this wasn't my house; it was my husband's house. I looked at the handsome young man standing in front of me, "could this be my husband?" I asked myself.

"You must be Abigail," he said, looking at me rather amazed by my actions.

"Y-yes, I'm...I'm Abigail", I stuttered. "Excuse me," I said and rushed inside the bathroom, my heart racing. My cheeks were flushed, and my ears were hot. I never thought my husband would be this handsome. Everything about him screamed perfection.

"No. What has come over you? You should be worried or scared. You don't know what this man will do to you. You don't even know his name," I lectured my reflection in the mirror. I came out of the bathroom and saw him lying on the sofa beside the bed.

"Be ready, we will be going to the marriage registry by 11 am tomorrow to register our marriage." He said without even looking at me.

Eric's POV

I stared at the lady my parents forced me to marry, waiting for her to notice me, but it seemed like she had not seen me yet. As she got closer, I saw her face clearly, her eyes were closed. She got closer to me and bumped into me.

She rested her head on my chest for quite some time, and then I felt her hands on my breasts. She moved away from me and screamed in fright when she saw me. It seems as though she never expected me to be here.

"You must be Abigail," I said, trying to break the silence.

"Y...yes, I'm...I'm Abigail, she stuttered".

She mumbled something else and rushed into the bathroom. I released a deep breath I never thought I was holding and went to put on my clothes. I don't know why but I was going to lie on the bed but decided against it. It didn't seem right to sleep on the bed with her since we barely knew each other, so I lay on the sofa.

When she came out of the bathroom, I told her to prepare to leave tomorrow for the marriage registry. Only God knows why I agreed to this. I'm already having second thoughts. I don't know her from anywhere. Even though she looks cute and all, and I'm a bit...tiny bit attracted to her, I still don't know her.

I was thinking too much. If my parents picked her for me, then she must be a good person. It's not like I planned on getting married to anyone or even falling in love. I'll just try to make this marriage work.

Abigail's POV

"How was your night?" he asked as I entered the kitchen

" was okay," I replied, not saying anything else. I'm not one to hold a conversation.

"Good. Breakfast will be ready in a few," he said pulling out plates and serving what he prepared.

"So, what do you know about me?" my soon-to-be legal husband asked.

"I shook my head in response, feeling awkward.

"Nothing? Nothing at all? Not even my name?" I nodded my head again in response.

"Okay. My name is Eric and I'm 28 years of age," he said, putting the rest of his toast in his mouth. When he was done eating, he stood up to wash his dishes.

"Won't you ask me any question?" I asked as he stood up.

"I already know what I need to know about you, so there's no need to ask," he replied.

"Pfft," he could have said it nicer. I finished my breakfast and got ready to go to the court.

"Wait at the entrance for me. I need to make a phone call," Eric said to me dialing a number.

I did as I was told but bumped into someone.

"Watch it bitch. You can't afford my dress if you ruin it," the lady yelled

I looked up to apologize but saw someone unexpected. "You?"

What in the world is she doing here? My heart raced in fear at the sight of the person before me.

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