Bonus Chapter 3

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Eric's POV

Everyone had their attention on her now. "I know where he is. I know where he kept my baby." Abbi cried.

"There is an underground basement in that park. It is hidden behind..." She closed her eyes, trying to remember the location of the basement.

"It's right behind the weird-looking large oak tree that is beside the restroom on the left corner of the park...Oh God, my baby...Eric...that place has no proper ventilation. Our baby..." She shivered in fear as she sobbed.

I quickly held her in my arms. "Nothing is going to happen to Claribel, my love. She'll be just fine," I whispered to her.

"I have informed James. We have to head to the station to plan how to raid the place tomorrow," Mark said.

"Let me come with you," Abbi said before we could leave.

"No, my love, you're not going anywhere. You're going to stay here while I go with Mark." I said seriously.

"But I'm the one who knows that place the best," she argued.

"And I'm sure Mark and Damien's men can find the place easily with your perfect description," he countered. "Just stay here with Lisa, okay?"

She shook her head defiantly, "I can't just sit here and wait, Eric. I have to come with you," her eyes flashed with determination as she spoke. After much persuasion, I allowed her to go with us.


"Remember my love, you're not to leave here under any circumstance. I'll bring back Claribel. I'll bring our baby to you, I promise," I reassured.

"We're ready," Mark informed James, who was leading the operation through his radio.

After receiving the signal, they all charged for the park, surrounding the area. Eric, Mark, and two officers went in from the second gate, while the rest of the officers went in from the main gate.

"I see the tree," Mark said, just after going in and signaling for two officers to join him along with myself.

We carefully walked over to the tree, looking for the entrance. After a while, one of the officers discovered the concealed entrance to the basement and lifted it, careful not to make any noise.

Using a touch, Mark peered down to ensure that no one was there. We had waited for him to leave the park before going in cause there was only one way in and out of the place and didn't want him to sense their arrival and harm Claribel.

We descended into the underground basement, guns and touches piercing through the darkness. A nauseating odor filled the air making me crinkle my nose in disgust.

We saw light illuminating the basement and walked further to where it was coming from.

As we walked towards it, my heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation. I really wanted to see my baby. I need to bring her back to Abbi.

The nauseating odor grew stronger as we got closer. We went through the door which revealed a very dirty room. There were clothes scattered everywhere, and...the place was just too dirty.

"I think I found her,'' one of the officers said, lifting little Claribel from a big trash can after looking around the room for her.

With a mix of relief, happiness, fear, and anger that my daughter was in a bin, I held my daughter in my arms. Abbi will be so happy and relieved.

"Unit 148, this is Unit 521. The culprit is approaching the park at this moment. Are you hearing me? Vacate the area now." I heard the voice on the radio.

"You need to leave now, Eric. Mark, go with him." James said.

Quickly and carefully, With the help of Mark, I put Claribel in the baby sling on my back. We rushed back to the entrance carefully climbing up the ladder with Claribel on My back.

James and one other officer remained in hiding so they could catch that sorry excuse of a person Andras.

"The culprit is approaching the basement." someone else said through the radio.

"We've got the baby out, we're in a position to arrest the culprit. Carry out the plan"

"Roger. Everyone in position! Get ready to move in 5...4...3...2...shit! No no no. Hold positions, I repeat do not move. Hold positions. We've got a situation on hand. The culprit has a hostage, we need a change of plan" The corporal said before turning off his radio.

Chills ran down my spine as the officer's words echoed in my head. I wondered who the hostage was and how they became a hostage.

The situation is different now and they can't attack him without alerting him or harming the hostage.

And I'm certain they won't leave without that hostage. But if we stay any longer he'll realize Claribel is missing.

" I should have killed you long ago like I killed them. You've brought nothing but trouble to me." I heard the voice before seeing the face of the Man who had hurt my wife so much.

My body ran cold at the sight before me. "No. No." I whispered, shaking my head.

She shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be out. Fear engulfed me as I watched Andras hold my wife with a knife on her neck.

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