Chapter 18: Silence

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Eric's POV

I never imagined that I would ever have to see Tasha again. She was long forgotten in my past. I wonder what she wants from me. How did she even know I worked here and was the CEO? I know very well I never told her that and I'm sure none of my sisters did.

It definitely felt suspicious. My relationship with Abbi is just at its beginning, I don't want anything or anyone to ruin it.

"Stop it, Eric," she cut me off, her voice laced with sadness.

"But I..."

"It's okay Eric, let's get back to work. We are in the office, not at home. Only talk to me about work matters here," she focused back her attention on the computer screen.

She didn't look happy one bit knowing it was Tasha. I will explain things to her later. I didn't want to annoy her more now. I was more bothered about what Tasha was doing here and how she found out my true identity.

I picked up my phone and called the only person I knew could help. Hopefully, he will get back to me before the day ends.


I came out of my office only to see that she already left. She never leaves without telling me beforehand whenever she doesn't ride home with me.

I got back home and saw her in the kitchen, "Hey love," I hugged her but she suggled out of my embrace and walked over to the sink.

And just like that, she avoided me whenever I tried to get close. She has refused to speak with me. I hate the silent treatment. I know it has something to do with what happened earlier today but I wish we could talk about it.

We had dinner in silence which was killing me. I tried talking to her severally but the only response i ended up getting was a nod. I was tired of the silence so I stopped her right at the front of our restroom after she came out.

"We need to talk," I said with a pleading look.

She stared at me for a good while before speaking. "About what?" She responded.

"I know you're mad at me, but can you please not give me the silent treatment?"

"But I'm not angry with you Eric"

"If so, why don't you speak with me like you always do? If you have anything to say or you have any questions for me just let me know. I'll listen to you and answer all your questions. Just don't avoid me." I said, begging her.

"I wasn't avoiding you. I just didn't have anything to say." She responded.

Lies. I know she has been avoiding me, but I'll just take this for now. At least she's talking to me.

"Are you sure you're not angry with me?" I questioned again, maybe she'll say something different. She nodded her head in affirmation and I kissed her on her lips.

"Can we go to bed now?" She asked

"Yeah, let's go to bed," I agreed, leading her to our bed.

Abbi's POV

I have a lot of questions for him but I didn't know how to ask. I didn't want it to look like I was being too unreasonable and possessive. I don't know what he'd think of me if I asked him the questions in my mind right now.

We were on the bed and one of his hands wrapped around my waist. I was thinking too much about that imposter of a woman and what Lau had said to me. I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted. Deep down, I hoped and prayed that he doesn't have any more feelings for her even if it's as small as a mustard seed.

"Eric? Are you asleep?"

"No, my love. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I-I just wanted to talk. You said I can ask you any question right?"

"Of course my Love, you can ask me anything" he replied.

I took in a deep breath trying to gather my words "I-it's about...Tasha," I began, still contemplating if I should ask or not. "What did she want from you?" I finally asked him as I didn't think I'd be able to sleep without hearing from him.

"I don't know my love. I sent her out before she could say anything. She probably wants money."

" do y-you still have any feelings for her?" I stuttered, unsure of what the answer would be. I was waiting to hear an answer but didn't. Instead, the lights were turned on and before I knew what was happening, he was above me.

"I want you to look into my eyes Abbi." I did as I was told. My heart fluttered as his gaze was on mine. "I want you to know that I love you. I'm in love with you, only you. Now till forever. Did you hear me? There's no one else in my heart but you"

I nodded my head in response. His words washed over me, soothing the doubts in my mind like a cold shower soothes migraine.

"Tasha was in the past and I can assure you that the love I have for you is nothing compared to what I've felt for anyone. You are my first true love, my lovely wife," He said, placing a kiss on my forehead. At this moment, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I've never felt this loved before but I'm happy I have him with me.

"Thank you, Eric," my voice more of a whisper "I love you too,"

I had a peaceful and lovely night and morning only for it to be ruined by this same woman. She just walked past me into Eric's office like I didn't exist. I didn't bother going in this time, I knew Eric would soon send her out.

I just felt so disgusted by her. I never knew I could dislike someone this bad without them hurting me...It can't be that I'm jealous right? That can't happen though. I can't be jealous. He's already mine.

I went out of my office to clear my head. I can't keep thinking about her. Eric loves me and that's all that matters. 

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