Chapter 23: Making Love

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CONTENT WARNING +18 This chapter contains a scene involving intimacy. Reader's discretion is advised

Abbi's POV

I really had a good time with him today, though I noticed something was a little off with him. When we came out of the car, I let him know I had a good time and held his hands. I felt him tense up the second I held his hand but he relaxed almost immediately. We got into the house and I watched him lock the door with my thoughts running wild.

I was imagining how it would feel to be under him without any clothes on when I suddenly felt my back on the wall and his lips on mine. Immediately, my mind went blank. When I returned to my senses and was going to return the kiss, he stopped and joined our foreheads together.

"I want you, Abbi. I want you so bad Abbi, I don't think I can control myself any longer," he said, looking into my eyes with a passion that sent shivers down my spine.

I want you to Eric. I opened my mouth to say but no sound came out. If I don't say anything now, he'll take it as I don't feel the same way. So, I stood on my toes, cupping his face in my hands and bringing our lips to a kiss.

He immediately wrapped his hands around my waist and deepened the kiss. His hands moved from my waist to my breast. I was wet and my nipples were hard. I have never felt this way before. It felt so good and I wanted more.

Before I realized what was happening, we were already in the elevator, our lips still together in a kiss. Soon my legs were wrapped around his waist while he walked to our room where he gently laid me on the bed leaning over me.

"You look ravishing my love,". He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead, then my nose, lips, and neck. I let out a soft moan immediately.

Soon we were both naked. His mouth was on one of my breasts and his hand on the other. Shortly, I felt his tongue on my clitoris and shivered at the feeling.

"Wha...what are you...ohhhh... mhmm...oh my goodness that feels so good." I moaned forgetting what I wanted to say before. I lost myself in the blissful moment as he continued working his lips and tongue on my womanhood, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

"Sweetheart, this is going to hurt." He said, leaning over me. I'd heard that the first time hurt so I was a bit scared because I don't like pain at all.

Maybe he saw I was scared and kissed me. I didn't know how long the kiss lasted but I turned my face away from his, breaking the kiss immediately I felt a sharp pain in my womanhood.

" hurts." I whimpered, moving my hips to try to reduce the pain.

"Stay still my love. Don't move," he said patting my hair like I was a kid.

I looked down to where the pain was coming from and saw that his manhood was only halfway through. "You're big," I said unconsciously.

" I know that sweetheart." He smirked. It made me remember the kiss earlier. He did that to distract me.

"I'm going to go all in now." He said and gently pushed in the rest of his shaft. I felt a mixture of pain and pleasure wash over me.

"Are you okay my Love?" he whispered, concern in his voice as he stopped moving, allowing me to adjust to his full length.

I nodded, focusing on the feeling of him inside me as my breath came out unevenly.

Throughout the night, I moaned his name as he pleasured me. I never thought this day would come but I'm glad it did. This night will forever hold a special place in my heart.


"Oh My God! You need to see this," Lisa squealed showing me her phone
My heart halted at the image I was seeing on screen. It was an article titled 'YOUNG BILLIONAIRE ERIC JONES WITH HIS WIFE' At least my face wasn't visible. They only had a pic of my back walking towards the car with Eric.

Isn't she gorgeous? My God! Look at that body. It's one to die for. Do you know how many girls want this kind of stature?" Lisa cheerily said. "If I was a man, I'd definitely take her out on a date,"

"Lisa!" I blushed at her statement. "You can't say that. You have a boyfriend."

"But I'm telling the truth. The boss really has eyes for good things. I wonder who she is though. Do you think she is from one of those rich families?" she questioned

"I-I don't know," I stuttered. I wasn't sure if I should tell her as yet that I'm the one in the article.

"Well, that doesn't matter. You know, at first, I thought the boss was bluffing when he said he was married. I thought he just said that to stop those shameless ladies from trying to get into his bed."

"Now that you know he really has a wife, what then?" I asked.

"Nothing...honestly, I thought you both would look good together as a couple. Wait, wait...before you say anything, that was before he was married,'

"So you don't think we look good as a couple anymore?" I questioned in disbelief.

"No...that's not what I mean. I mean he's married so I can't pair you both together...but...I can introduce you to someone. He's not as handsome as our boss and my boyfriend but he definitely is good-looking. Just a tiny bit to reach Damian's level," she said, all smiles.

"You mean introduce me to one of your underground don boyfriend's friends to me!"

"Common now Abbi. You're making it sound like he does illegal stuff,"

"Isn't that what he does?" I questioned

"No! I've told you time without numbers, he's just undercover,"

"Hmm, undercover for eleven years now?"

"Do you really think I'll be with someone who indulges in illegal activities?" she questioned sounding upset.

"I'm sorry Liz, I was just teasing you. I believe you."

"So?" she looked at me quizzically

"Sooo what?" I replied confused

She sighed in disbelief. "Can I introduce you to him? I promise he is very nice,"

"Hmmm. I trust you, but I'm not interested," I replied making her roll her eyes

"You're so boring."

"Right. I know. Let's just eat and get back to work."

*Two Weeks Later*

"You need to hear this Abbi," Liz said, sitting me down at our usual lunch area.

"Is it another rumor again?"

"Yes! This one is that you seduced the boss right in front of the general board room," she said in disbelief.

I thought we could keep things the way they used to be after that night together, but who was I kidding? Two weeks later, there were rumors about our affair. And it's all his fault. If only he keeps his hands to himself while we're at work. I wouldn't even have known if Lisa didn't tell me.


"And what does Mr. Jones want from me? I asked, walking over to the couch where he was seated after he called for me.

"I need help with this file," he said, stretching his hand with a folder to me. Before I could take the folder from him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his lap.

"Mr Jone! You should be working!" I warned.

"I'm tired my love," he said bringing his lips close to mine, not before I stopped him.

"Common Abbi! You can't do this to me,"

"Not a chance my love," I replied trying to get up from his laps

"Okay, just a kiss, please?" he cooed.

"Okay, just a kiss," I repeated.

I should have known he wouldn't just settle for a kiss. I was going to pull away from him after the kiss but he deepened it. I had already given in and decided that I would let wherever this was going go when someone slammed open the door making me hide my face in his chest.

"How could you Eric Jones?" an angry voice resounded in the office. 

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