Chapter 4: Knowing Each Other

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I finished what I was doing in the office and decided to go to sleep. I was going to sleep in the room next to my room, but I didn't want her to feel that I hated her and was avoiding her, so I decided to sleep on the couch where I slept last night.

Yes, the original plan was to sleep on the couch but for some unknown reason, when I got into the room, that plan left my mind as I went straight to lay on the bed.

I didn't know why I was doing that; I guess I missed my bed or I just wanted to stay close to if the couch wasn't close enough.

I realized that wasn't really a good thing. She quickly sprang up from the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Trying to sleep," I replied. Though I couldn't see her face as the lights were out, I could tell she was uncomfortable and that was the last thing I wanted her to feel.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll move to the couch." I said getting up from the bed.

"You're not making me uncomfortable; I just never expected you to lie beside me," she said, stopping me from moving any further.

Her response surprised me as I never expected her to say anything, let alone what she said. I didn't know why, but I was happy that she wanted me to stay beside her, so I sat back on the bed.

I was happy I could not see myself right now cause I knew I was smiling foolishly like a kid in love.


"You're not making me uncomfortable; I just never expected you to lie beside me." I blurted out when he got up from the bed, and immediately cursed myself for saying that.

I didn't even know why I said that in the first place. I did want him beside me, but I still wasn't sure about how I felt, I mean...we just met and don't know each other. Isn't it weird that we're on the same bed?

Anyway, since I already said what I said, I can't take it back. I couldn't see him well, but I noticed he sat down on the bed leaning with his back against the wall. It was quite awkward as no one said anything.

"So tell me more about yourself," Eric asked me after what seemed like hours of silence.

"Well, there isn't much to say about me. As you already know, my name is Abigail, I'm 23 years old and I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management."

"That's it?" He asked when I said nothing more.

"Yes. I'm I supposed to say more?"

He chuckled. "Yes. How about we do this instead, I'll ask you questions and you answer then you can ask me whatever you want to." He said

"Okay, fair enough," I replied.

"Alright then, first question. What do you love doing in your spare time?" he asked.

"I love sketching and sewing,"

" can sketch? What do you sketch?"

"I just sketch some outfit designs."

"So you're a fashion designer, t'..."

"No, I'm not," I said, cutting him off. "I just love sketching."

"So why didn't you choose that path, let me rephrase my question. Why did you settle for Human Resources?"

I chuckled at myself before speaking. "Honestly, I came across an online post that said there is always job demand in that field and they make a good amount of money, so I went with it."

"Oh really? It's my first time hearing someone say that," he said laughing. "Okay, next question."

I didn't know why but I was able to open up to him, and I felt relieved that at last there was someone I could talk to, someone I could possibly lean on—my HUSBAND. I was quite free with Eric, too free with him, and was opening my heart to him but a part of me warned me against it.

This is just our second meeting; it may be easy to fall in love but difficult to move on if your heart gets What am I even talking about? I don't know anything about love and I'm here talking about falling in love. I must be out of my mind. I brought myself back to reality and we continued talking till we called it a night.


I woke up the next morning, shock evident on my face.

I was wondering what one of my hands was doing wrapped around Abigail's waist. I was almost a hundred percent sure that I didn't move a muscle while sleeping but I was so wrong.

I slowly removed my hand from her waist, careful not to wake her up cause I didn't think she would like to see my hand where it was.

I got up from bed, took my phone, and went to the kitchen. I got to the kitchen and brought out some ingredients for breakfast. After doing that, I checked my phone to see if I had any messages but was surprised to see that it was fifteen minutes past nine.

I always wake up early, in fact, the latest I wake up is six, but I actually woke up this late!

"I must have had a really good sleep with her," I mumbled to myself while my lips widened in a foolish smile.

I checked if I had any messages and put down the phone when i saw nothing important. Just then, I heard footsteps moving towards me and knew it would be Abigail.

Soon enough, she walked into the kitchen looking good in her oversized nightgown. Seemed like she didn't notice me as yet as she just walked straight to the fridge and got a bottle of water with her eyes half opened.

"Hey," I said immediately as she put down the bottle. Seems she was never expecting anyone there as she flinched on hearing my voice.

"Oh, it's you. Good morning," she said after fully opening her eyes and seeing me.

"What are you making?" She asked me with a hungry look on her face. I told her what I was making for breakfast, and she offered to help.


Time was really flying. I had toured the whole house with Abigail later that morning and it seemed like she enjoyed it. Most of the time she was either too fascinated with one part of the building or totally in love with it.

While we were having lunch, we got to know more about ourselves, and I loved that she was quite comfortable with me.

Since I was paying more attention to her than I did yesterday, I couldn't help but notice that she looked like someone I might know or someone I might have met or seen somewhere but no matter how hard I tried to remember, I couldn't place her face on any I have seen before.

After dinner, I was going to go to my study to work on something and prepare for the office tomorrow since I had not been there for about a few weeks when she stopped me and said she had something to say to me.

"You remember last night I told you about getting a job in a big company?" she asked, nervous.

"Yes, what about it?" I asked.

"Will it be okay with you if I continue working there?" She asked as quickly as she could. I was surprised she would ask that kind of question. It's her work, and she has every right to do what she wants to. But based on what she has told me about herself, I could kinda understand why she asked.

"Of course, It's your work, you're free to continue working unless you don't want to," I spoke.

"I want to continue working" she replied to me with a smile, and I was happy she was happy. I think this is the first time I've seen her smile and it warmed my heart.

"But I need to know the name of the company you work at," I said.

"Of course. I work at JS Company Ltd." She said.

"JS Company?" I replied, my eyes widening in surprise.

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