Chapter 3

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"Oi. When am I getting executed?"

Zoro called out to the woman who was now engaging in an arm wrestling match with one of the male prisoners.

"I don't think I should give out that information-" she grunted out in between breaths.

"Shouldn't they give out a notice or something like that already?"

The male prisoners hand fell to the table with a thud and she let out a shout of victory.


Turning to Zoro with an amused smirk, she teased,

"Maybe you're not important enough, katana boy."

A vein popped up in his forehead. He turned around to walk back to his cell.

"Oi! Wait! Waitttt!! I'm just messing around."

She fell in step with him.

The prisoners were having a break after the manual labour they were put through and the break was now coming to a close. Prisoners scattered about along with guards trying to get them back into their cells.

"I heard they've been talking about it. But it's the one of the busiest times they've come across and they're not getting the time to give you a proper execution."

She nudged him playfully.

"Aren'tcha lucky?"

He merely grunted.


"Who's up for a game of cards!?"

Zoro peered out of his cell to see her standing in the aisle between the prison cells,a pack of cards held dramatically above the air.

The prisoners already seemed used to it. Some "nah"s resounded across the floor while some of them peered out of their cells to agree to a game.

She stopped outside his cell.

"What about you, Roronoa?"


How she came to befriend all these prisoners was a wonder to him. Weren't these the worst criminals that were locked in here?

Then again, she was pretty persistent. He wouldn't be surprised if she just bugged them to the point where they finally gave up and gave in to her and her shenanigans.

Speaking of persistent,

"Ehhh? Come on.. Join us for a game."

"I gain nothing from it. Leave me alone."

She tilted her head to the side speculating him.


Oh! Got it."

Turning her back to him, she ran off shouting,

"Wait for me guys! I'll be back!"

Minutes later, she came back, a barrel in her arms.

Placing the barrel on the floor, she turned to Zoro.

"What about some alcohol then?"


Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now