100K + Valentine's Special

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Usopp was sulking.

He had just lost an arm wrestling match against a woman.

Zoro was leaning against the ship watching with slight amusement.

Why had the sniper even challenged the ex marine?

It was probably over something stupid like him wanting the latter to address him as her superior.

She got up from her seat and stood next to the swordsman.

Usopp was still brooding over his loss, hands folded, elbows on the barrel that acted as their wrestling ground, eyes dark and sulky.

Zoro scoffed. "Don't be as sore loser. Be a man about it."

Usopp began to mutter under his breath about how he was going to regain his dignity as a man.

"It was a bad pairing anyway. She's so freakishly strong, she's like a gorilla." Zoro commented.

At this, the "gorilla" next to him began to giggle, giggle, I tell you, with a hand on her face  and a sway to her movements.

Her other hand curled into a soft fist and she hit it to Zoro's chest, mumbling, "hehe you think so?"

Usopp deadpanned. "I don't think that's a compliment-"

Zoro remained stoic until the fist came on him a little too hard and he began to fall off the ship, his crossed arms providing him no balance, as his feet left the deck.


"Oi ZORO-" Usopp was now on his feet.

The "gorilla" caught up to what she did and her grip went immediately to his arm, holding on to him, another pulling him up by his back.

They both regained their footing on the ship but they were now in another comprising position.

Her grip had not left his wrist and her other hand had now travelled to his waist as she held him steady.

All was quiet for a moment.

"Shouldn't it be the other way round?" Usopp, if it was possible, had an even more deadpanned expression on his face.

The two also had similar expressions on their faces.

Zoro moved away.
And here, I was telling Usopp to be a man.

"Uh.. I can fall next time and you can save me..?" She helplessly suggested.

Zoro's eyebrows furrowed.

"That's- ugh whatever."

He left them before any of them could start another argument.


Nami thumped her hands on the dining table.

"We're needing to restock our supplies, soo... Any volunteers?"

Her eyes which were fixed on Nami suddenly had an urge to look away.

They flitted over to her right and stopped at another pair of eyes which were already on hers.

She did not know if Zoro was zoning off or if they'd just turned towards each other at the same time but they held gazes for a good second.

And then just like that, the noises around them which seemed to have disappeared came back again like a paused record resumed and she directed her gaze back towards Nami.

"Uh, I can go," she heard herself say.

Her hand was already raised as though her body was acting on its own to brush away what just happened. She couldn't put a name to it- it wasn't awkward, but neither was it emotion provoking.

Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now