Chapter 11

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She couldn't fall asleep.

Despite her desperate attempts, she found her eyes opening to stare up at the ceiling.

She blamed her choice of location for her sleeplessness. But she knew, if she had been on her bed, and not resting on her chair, the effect would have been the same.

How much time had passed by? Minutes? Hours? She had lost track.

And suddenly, her trained ears caught the sound of a pair of feet walking towards her office.

And then a silhoutte stopped by her door.


It was a wonder he found her office; but considering how he wasn't looking for it, maybe it wasn't surprising.

He pushed the door open.

"Oi. Give me my swords."

"Oh, Roronoa. What a surprise seeing you outside your cell."

Despite her words, she looked the least bit surprised. It was almost as though she had seen this coming. Maybe she did.

He kept his scorching gaze on her.

Finally she said, "And what if I don't?"

Her tone went teasing from then on, "I'm a marine. I don't think I should go telling prisoners where their weapons are. It'd be foolish of me to give you an advantage over me."

Zoro took on a fighting stance.
"Then we fight."

"Without your swords?" She raised her brows.

"This should be interesting," she mused. "I wouldn't let you go without a fight anyway," she added in a mutter.

Seconds later, his head was in a headlock. Using his weight as an advantage, he bent forward and pushed her off of him.

She landed on her feet perfectly.

He shook his head. Now was the not the time to be impressed. He was hardly getting time to be on the offence as her attacks came raining down on him non-stop. Borsalino had taught her well.

He was trying all he could to dodge her punches and kicks. The sword-user he was, his fists weren't the best he could rely on, but he didn't have a choice now, did he?

Before he knew it, a haki coated fist met his abdomen and he was sent flying to a nearby door he hadn't noticed before.

Spluttering blood, the only thought that crossed his mind was, "How the hell is she in this shitty prison as a mere assistant with this much potential??"

He slowly got to his feet and met her eyes which had widened with realisation. Her mouth slightly agape, she came to her senses and slapped her forehead.

Frowning, he turned back to the door he was sent flying against and kicked it down completely.

His lips formed a smirk as his eyes landed on his swords- his oh, so precious swords amidst other weaponry.

He turned back to her with the most devilish smirk he could conjure.

"Whoops," she gave a sheepish smile.

"Let's continue."

They took their stances.

"You won't go easy on me now, will you?"

A quick blur of a face- a young girl with blue hair flashed through his mind.

He grinned.



A/N: Guys, it's happening!!

Once Upon a Prison Cell//Roronoa Zoro [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now