Chapter 27

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Francisca's POV

Things have been going great between Matt and Dan and dad.

It's been awesome!

I just wish Ivan was more open to take that next step with Matt too.

Join the bandwagon!

But he's stubborn. We already know that. It'll take some time and Matt says that he's totally fine with it.

Anyways, I sort of have a routine now.

I go to school, spend time at dad's house, and go back to my house with Matt.

Matt actually started spending most of his time at dad's house too.

We practically live there and only go back to sleep in our own beds.

So now that school is over. Violet and I are going out of the front door when we hear a honk almost immediately.

Once we spot that car that is honking at us, a smile spreads on Violet's face.

There is a woman in the car wearing sunglasses and her light brown hair is in a tight bun.

I look at the car confused before Violet says, "that's my mom".

My mouth forms an 'O'.

"Do you wanna meet her?" Violet asks.

And I nod my head yes.

Violet leads me to her and introduces us.

Violet's mom smiles "Ah Francisca, I've heard so much about you".

I smile in turn. "All good things I hope"

"Oh certainly" she says just as Clair approaches that car and is in my line of vision.

She looks at me, then Violet, then gives her mom a small, forced smile and then looks at me again.

She looks like she wants to say something for a second, but refrains from doing so and opens the car door and gets in the car.

That was weird.

I was expecting a glare from Clair, not whatever that was.

Violet's mom clears her throat, I turn my attention back to her and smile.

"It was nice meeting you Mrs Tate".

"Oh please, call me Anne" she responds. "And I'm looking forward to tomorrow's dinner" she says and leaves me there with Violet next to me.

I frown in confusion. "Dinner?" I look at Violet and see she is confused too.

"Oh, yes" Anne says. "Your father will tell you all about it".

And with that she gets in the car and motions for Violet to do that same. Which, she does.


Apparently I'm seeing them for dinner tomorrow?

I guess I'm going to have to ask my brothers of they know anything about that.

They didn't.

According to Ivan, Clair hasn't mentioned anything. Because apparently that's still a thing. Gross.

So, I guess I'm going to ask dad when we get home- wait no not home, just dad's house. My home is mine and Matt's apartment.

Anyways, once I get there I ask dad about this dinner with Violet's family. And by asking I mean that I barged into his office and demanded answers.

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