Ichinose Honami is a Criminal...

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3rd person POV:

Chronos: "Now this one is a small video, but an interesting one... This video is like a prologue to a big video I'm gonna show you in future... This is also not Ayanokoji's POV"

Kanzaki: "Not Ayanokoji again? Then whose is it?"

Chronos: "That will just spoil the suspense, watch the video and you will know..."

Kanzaki: "Ok..."

Chronos: "And Class-B, try not to freak out watching the video..."

Class-B: "Ehh? What do you mean?"

Chronos: "You'll see..."

Arisu: "Fufufu, Looks like you are about to show something interesting..."

Ryuen: "Kukuku"

Chronos: "Now Let's start..."

???'s POV

I'VE NEVER REALLY THOUGHT of myself as a good person, never thought of myself as a bad person. I suppose I've managed to become an honest person, just like my mother would've wanted.

Mako: "Whose POV it is?"

Chronos: "Have patience, you'll see..."

Things were fine in elementary school and in junior high. I had lots of friends, guys and girls—everybody. I had a little trouble handling sports, sure, but I pushed myself just like I did with my studies. By my third year of junior high, I'd managed to become student council president, something I'd always aspired to. I'd even managed to get into a private high school as a scholarship student.

With that Ichinose understood that it is her POV and her expression darkned a bit realizing the possibility of her secret being revealed... and this was noticed by few others...

Ryuen: 'kukuku, Looks like I found whose POV it is...'

Arisu: 'fufufu, That's quite an expression you have, Ichinose-san...'

Kiyotaka: 'Is it Ichinose...?'

Manabu: 'From that description, I can say it is Ichinose...'

A nice school life.

A nice home life.

But I...I made a mistake.

Something that never should've happened. An unforgivable "mistake" that I never should've made.

Ryuen: "Kukuku, I wonder what this so called mistake is..."

Arisu: "Fufufu, I wonder whose POV it is..."

Ryuen and Arisu both said that looking at Ichinose, who now has really troubled expression....

Ichinose: 'Looks like my secret will be revealed, I can't blame my classmates if they loose all their trust in me...'

The angry look on my ailing mother's face as she lay sick in bed. Her tears. The look of heartbreak on my little sister's face, hurt and distant as she was, retreating into herself, shutting herself away... I can't ever forget it. It comes to me even now.

My trembling fingers.

My trembling body.

The creeping blackness spreading across my heart.

Mako: "Looks like the mistake of this person affected him/her a lot..."

Ichinose: 'You have no idea, Mako-chan...'

Shibata: "Yeah... We can see that..."

I tossed my third-year of junior high in the trash. For about half a year, I shut myself away.

But...one day, that all came to an end.

Kozue: "This person shut him/herself for 6 months?? That must have been a big mistake..."

Mako: "Yeah..."

Ichinose started to tremble in her seat, this was noticed by people close to her...

Mako: "What happened, Honami-chan? You don't look well..."

Ichinose didn't reply but cast her down...Her friends started to worry about her...

Mako: "Honami-chan..."

Arisu: 'Fufufu, Ichinose-san looks really disturbed by what happened to her.... She is not at all like from that photo with Ryuen-kun, I wonder what lead to such drastic change...'

When I learned about this school, I knew I needed to put an end to it. I'd ...bring smiles back to the faces of my mother and little sister again. I wouldn't run away from my own "sin." No, I'd face it head-on

Or so I swore.


I enrolled in this school with a dream, but an ordeal awaited me. When I found the letter, I completely froze, and all around me, my classmates turned to watch curiously.

Arisu: "Letter? What is it, Chronos?"

Chronos: "It's letter with just one line in it and it was published across the school, You will see what is in that letter in a second..."

Arisu: "fufufu"

Ichinose: 'P-Published across the school.....'

I read the letter over and over. But no matter how many times I read it, the words refused to change.

"Ichinose Honami is a criminal."

There was minute silence in hall when the last words were said, Class-B students turned to their leader, who is now trembling in her seat with her eyes down, then the silence was broken....

Ryuen: "Kukuku, What an interesting development...."

Arisu: "Fufufu, I agree, Dragon boy, Who would have thought the girl who portrayed herself as full of kindness and 'approachable by everyone' was a criminal..."

Kiyotaka: 'Hm.... I want to know the full story...'

Nagumo: 'Oh, hahaha, I can use this to make her mine, No one will stop me...'

Kanzaki: "Is it true, Ichinose?"

Mako: "Is it, Honami-chan?"

Ichinose couldn't get any words out of her mouth, Her mind is totally a mess now...

Chronos: "Now... now, Don't pressure her, You will know it is true or not in the next video..."

Class-B just nods their heads and just started to support Ichinose who is quite a mess now...

Kiyotaka: 'I don't know what happened but it sure had a big impact on Ichinose's life and on her mental health too...'

Chronos: "Now, On to the next video..."

Author Notes:

I have never seen anyone do a reaction to this so I did, this will also be a good prologue to Ichinose's confrontation.... Which will maybe the next chapter (Keyword: maybe)

That's it for the chapter....

Bye!!! See you guys in the next one...

published: 27th February 2023

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