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 Kiyotaka's POV: 

We are about to reach the island in front of us and suddenly a white light blinded us, we tried to fight back but it was no use, all of us fell unconscious.


I can feel my eyes slowly opening but I feel no pain in my body or on my head, so no one knocked us unconscious, a drug maybe? I completely opened my eyes to see that I'm wearing a pinkish maroon dress which looked like an uniform, but for what? 

I looked around to see some other people who are around my age wearing same dress as me, I slowly lifted the two people who are unconscious on my shoulders and laid them down, 

I walked to towards the short beige haired girl who is wearing the same dress as me. "Excuse me, I am Kiyotaka, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

The girl turned towards me, "Sure, I don't mind, my name is Kushida Kikyo by the way."

"I can see you are wearing the same dress as me, can you tell me what this dress is for?"

Kushida gave me a weird look hearing my question, "This is the uniform of ANHS."


"Advance Nurturing High School..." Kushida replied with the same weird look

Huh!? High school? "What is the date today? and what is this place?"

"U-umm, today is April 1st 2015 and this place is Tokyo."

Tokyo? I never heard Na--

"A-Ah!!" Me and Kushida heard a half-sleepy moan and turned to see the orange haired girl slowly waking up,

I quickly went towards her to check if she's ok, "Nami!! can you hear me? Are you ok?"

"Ah! Kiyotaka? Where are we?" Nami asked with her eyes still half closed, 

I turned towards Kushida, "Kushida, can you get me three drinks from that machine?" I pointed towards a machine with drinks inside it,  

"You don't know what a vending machine is?" asked Kushida

"We three are from a remote village." Kushida nodded and towards the machine 

"Kiyotaka!? where are we? What is this dress? where are others?" 

ah! looks like she woke up completely, "Calm down, Nami" I patted her head and explained the situation to her, 

"Why are pirates like us wearing a high school uniform?" asked Nami

"I have no idea..."

A few moments later Kushida came back with the drinks, me and Nami drank the whole thing in a single go. 

"I am Kushida Kikyo, What's your name?" Kushida asked Nami

"Um? Ah! My name is Nami." Nami replied with a smile

"So, which class are you guys from?" asked Kushida 

Me and Nami tilted our heads in confusion and Kushida immediately understood, "If you guys don't know you class, you can check your phone for the e-mail from the school." 

"A phone?" me and Nami asked in unison

'What the hell is up with these weirdos!? they don't know what a phone is!?-Kushida

Then Kushida reached out to her bag and pulled a small rectangular thing, "This is called a phone, we can use to contact people from long distance and other stuff,"

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