The Jedi Order

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When the group left the Chancelor's office, Padme said her goodbyes. She had her duties here, at the Senate, and would not follow them. "I must make my leave here."

"That is fine." Izuku said, but then added, " you mind if I leave Ochako with you? To learn more about the Republic?"

The senator smiled. After all, she was not force sensitive like the other two. It made sense. "Sure, I do not mind."
Ochako looked at him, and Izuku whispered over their com devices. A two way connection only. "I am visiting a place which may give me a... hostile greeting to me and Hizoshi. I want you here, safe with the Senator. I feel like I can trust her."
The brunette nodded, before stepping aside, standing next to Padme. She waved goodbye before the group finally split.

"Are we ready to go?" Obi-wan asked. With Izuku and Hizoshi ready, he hailed a taxi, and they got in. The automated vehicle asked where they were going, and Anakin immediately said: "The Jedi Temple."

"Yes sir

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"Yes sir." A disembodied voice responded. "Are you Jedi Knights?"

"Yes." Obi-wan answered.

"Jedi Knight recognized. Fee deducted from Order Funds."

Hizoshi raised an eyebrow. "That's convenient."

Obi-wan was quick to explain, a bit defensive. As he had every right to be, even if it didn't make the Jedi look perfect, in hindsight. "Well... the Jedi order has done a lot of good. And has existed for longer than the Republic."

Izuku had a simple question. "You've been uncontested in your existence for 1000 years? Have you increased your knowledge into the Force at all? New discoveries, innovations?"

That made all the Jedi in the repulsor taxi pause. "Well, we surrender ourselves to the will of the Force, so... no, there hasn't been many.... explorations... into the nature of the Force. There is a war going on, as well."

"That I will grant you." Izuku said, but then asked, "Do you think I will be attacked on sight?"
Hizoshi's eyes widened, and she asked, "WHAT?!"

Obi-wan didn't smile, but he tried to reassure them. "You should be fine. We are escorting you. And once we explain who you are, then there should be no further issues..." It was then that they arrived at the temple. There were stairs leading up to an impressive boxlike building. At each corner was a tower, and on top was a much larger, similarly elliptical tower with three equidistant points forming a triangular room near the top. 


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